The Lower Ovens Groundwater Management Area (GMA) covers the Ovens catchment downstream of Myrtleford. This includes the upper reaches of the King and Buffalo rivers and extends north along the floodplain toward the River Murray and includes the towns of Moyhu, Beechworth, Wangaratta and Yarrawonga.
Facts and stats
Area: 5,500 km2
PCV: 25,200 ML
Allocations: 100%
Groundwater management
The Lower Ovens GMA Local Management Plan was released on the 20 August 2012. The Plan aims to ensure that the local groundwater resources are managed in an equitable and sustainable manner. The Plan also takes into account the connectivity between groundwater and surface water resources and the benefit that groundwater provides to rural and urban communities during times of water shortage.
The Plan contains rules for trading entitlement and sets trigger levels which apply in times of water shortage.
For further information or to obtain technical material relied upon for management arrangements, please contact the Groundwater and Streams section at GMW on 1800 013 357.