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Groundwater Licences Fees And Charges

The current fees and charges for groundwater licensing can be found at our Price List page.

Groundwater Bores

Online applications for a Bore Construction Licence are significantly cheaper than applying over the counter. For a flat rate, you can apply for up to 20 investigation and observation bores.

Online groundwater bore forms can be found on the Victorian Water Register website , opens in a new window , including:

  • Domestic and Stock Bore - Construct
  • Domestic and Stock Bore - Amend/Renew
  • Investigation or Monitoring Bore - Construct
  • Investigation or Monitoring Bore - Amend/Renew 

You can also download the Water Register  Registration and Online Bore Construction Licence User Guide , opens in a new window for more information, or log into the Water Register's My Water portal , opens in a new window .

Groundwater Licences

Traditional Owner Land Use Activity Agreements

Land Use Activity Agreements under the Traditional Owner Settlement Act 2010 exist between traditional owners and the State of Victoria.

The Land Use Activity Agreements give procedural rights to traditional owners regarding proposed activities on public land. The greater the impact of those activities on traditional owner rights, the higher the level of procedural rights under the Land Use Activity Agreements.

Some licences (authorisations) issued by Goulburn-Murray Water for works on public land may be considered land use activities under the Land Use Activity Agreements.

Information regarding the Land Use Activity Agreements can be found on the First Peoples – State Relations webpages: Taungurung Land Use Activity Agreement Guidance (opens in new window) and Dja Dja Wurrung Land Use Activity Agreement guidance for local government (opens in new window).  

If you have a query regarding a particular licence or application, please contact us on 1800 013 357.

If you're looking at purchasing a property, we recommend you get an information statement. You can do this by filling out the Information Statement Application Form below, or going to the LANDATA website , opens in a new window .

Special Meter Read Application Form: You can now use MyGMW (opens in a new window) to submit and pay online for a Special Meter Read. A PDF of the form is also provided below.

Information Statements and Special Meter Reading Fees and Charges

The current fees and charges for information statements and special meter reading can be found at our  Price List page.

Irrigation Districts Fees and Charges

The current fees and charges for irrigation districts can be found at our  Price List page.

More Information

All applications in this section are relevant to irrigation districts of GMW. This includes the channel and/or drainage networks in Shepparton, Central Goulburn, Rochester-Campaspe, Loddon Valley, Murray Valley, and Torrumbarry.

Licence to construct and use private works fact sheet
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Further Water Use Licence or Registration and Works Licence forms are available on the Victorian Water Register Forms and Fees page , opens in a new window. This includes the following forms:
  • Water Use Licence or Registration - Cancel (Form 25)
  • Water Use Licence or Registration - Issue (Form 23)
  • Water Use Licence or Registration - Vary (Form 24)
  • Works Licence - Amend, Renew or Transfer (Form 31)
  • Works Licence - Issue (Form 29) 

Regulated and Unregulated Rivers and Creeks Fees and Charges

The current fees and charges for both regulated and unregulated rivers and creeks can be found at our  Price List page.

More Information

For more information about surfacewater licensing, go to our Diversions webpage.

For assistance with accessing or completing application forms please email the licensing unit or call 1800 013 357. 

Find out more about managing Aboriginal Cultural Heritage with our fact sheet..

Regulated Rivers and Creeks, e.g. Murray River

Water Use Licence or Registration and Works Licence forms are available on the Victorian Water Register Forms and Fees page , opens in a new window. This includes the following forms:

  • Water Use Licence or Registration - Cancel (Form 25)
  • Water Use Licence or Registration - Issue (Form 23)
  • Water Use Licence or Registration - Vary (Form 24)
  • Works Licence - Amend, Renew or Transfer (Form 31)
  • Works Licence - Issue (Form 29) 

Unregulated Rivers and Creeks, e.g. Five Mile Creek

Traditional Owner Land Use Activity Agreements

Land Use Activity Agreements under the Traditional Owner Settlement Act 2010 exist between traditional owners and the State of Victoria.

The Land Use Activity Agreements give procedural rights to traditional owners regarding proposed activities on public land. The greater the impact of those activities on traditional owner rights, the higher the level of procedural rights under the Land Use Activity Agreements.

Some licences (authorisations) issued by Goulburn-Murray Water for works on public land may be considered land use activities under the Land Use Activity Agreements.

Information regarding the Land Use Activity Agreements can be found on the First Peoples – State Relations webpages: Taungurung Land Use Activity Agreement Guidance (opens in new window) and Dja Dja Wurrung Land Use Activity Agreement guidance for local government (opens in new window).  

If you have a query regarding a particular licence or application, please contact us on 1800 013 357.

Water Trading Fees and Charges

The current fees and charges for water trading can be found at our  Price List page.

Download the Water Trading Payment Form

More Information

Forms pertaining to water trading can be found on the Victorian Water Register website:  

You are welcome to request a tour or visit of GMW's facilities and storages - find out more at our tour or visit request page , opens in a new window .

Note: A minimum of four weeks notice is required for a guided tour to be conducted.
 Information about planning and hosting an event at or near one of our waterways can be found at our Events page , opens in a new window .
 You can request access to documents held by GMW by applying under the Freedom of Information Act 1982. 

Find out more about Freedom of Information Requests
 You can lodge a complaint with GMW by filling out the form below.

Complaints Form