Upper Ovens River WSPA

  A running creek in the Upper Ovens area.

The Upper Ovens River Water Supply Protection Area (WSPA) covers the Ovens River upstream of the confluence with the Buffalo River near Myrtleford in North East Victoria. Rural centres within the boundary include Myrtleford, Bright and Harrietville.

Within the Upper Ovens River WSPA the shallow groundwater system and the Ovens River are highly connected so they are managed together.

Facts and stats

Area: 1,580km2
PCV: No PCV set
Allocations: 100%

Groundwater management

The Upper Ovens River WSPA Water Management Plan (the Plan) was approved by the Minister for Water in January 2012. The Plan affects all licensed water users in the area. The Plan jointly manages both groundwater and surface water and is the first of its kind in Victoria.

The Plan sets out management arrangements for the take and use of water in the Upper Ovens catchment, including rules for water sharing and water trading, and requirements for metering, monitoring and reporting.


How we manage groundwater licensing

GMW’s Water Resources team has made several presentations to agencies and local government on how we manage groundwater and commercial applications.

Download a copy of a recent presentation to Indigo Shire Council here.

If you have any questions on groundwater and its management, please phone Groundwater and Streams section at GMW on 1800 013 357.


For further information or to obtain technical material relied upon for management arrangements, please contact the Groundwater and Streams section at GMW on 1800 013 357.