Mid Loddon GMA

Mid Loddon Groundwater Management Area

The Mid Loddon Groundwater Management Area (GMA) lies within the Loddon River Catchment, including the Loddon River, Bullock Creek and Serpentine Creek.

The GMA extends from Tullaroop Reservoir in the south to Mitiamo in the north, including the towns of Moolort, Laanecoorie, Serpentine and Jarklin.

Facts and stats

Area: 3,000 km2
PCV: 34,037 ML
Allocations: 100%

Groundwater management

The Mid Loddon GMA Local Management Rules were released on 1 July 2009. The Plan aims to ensure that the local groundwater resources are managed in an equitable and sustainable manner. The Plan also takes into account the reliance upon groundwater by a range of stakeholders, including domestic and stock users and commercial and irrigation licence holders, as well the environment.

The Plan contains rules which allow trading of entitlement, sets trigger levels to enable water sharing in times of shortage and rules to manage the impacts of groundwater pumping intensity.

GMW is in the process of reviewing the operation of the Plan with the intent of creating a new Loddon Plains Groundwater Management Area Local Management Plan in the near future. To follow the review and implementation process, please head to our Your Say @ GMW webpage.


For further information or to obtain technical material relied upon for management arrangements, please contact the Groundwater and Streams section at GMW on 1800 013 357.