The Central Victorian Mineral Springs Groundwater Management Area (GMA) covers parts of the upper Loddon and upper Campaspe catchments, extending from Daylesford and Woodend in the south to Maldon and Heathcote in the north. Other rural centres within the GMA boundary include Castlemaine and Kyneton.
Facts and stats
Area: 3,300 km2
PCV: 6,024 ML
Allocations: 100%
Groundwater management
The Central Victorian Mineral Springs GMA Local Management Plan (the Plan) was developed by Goulburn-Murray Water in consultation with a Groundwater Reference Group made up of groundwater customers and representatives from key stakeholder agencies and the wider community. The Plan was approved on 26 August 2013.
The Plan provides the local community, and in particular licensed groundwater users, with information about the groundwater system and rules describing how the resource is managed.
The Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP) has developed a Water Measurement Information System, with data collected through the Regional Water Monitoring Partnerships.
To access data on the Central Victorian Mineral Springs GMA, follow these steps:
- Go to the Water Monitoring website
- Click "Find a Site" under the "State Observation Bore Network" tab on the left; or the observation bore can be selected through the mapping function.
- Enter bore "92124" and click "Search".
- A box will appear - click on the blue bore number "92124".
- Select the "data" tab. In the "Period" option, select a timeframe longer than today - i.e. select yesterday, last seven days, this month, etc.
- Select "Get output"
- Deduct 0.6m from the level, as the reading does not take into account the 0.6m of casing above the natural surface, eg. if the reading says 8.3m, then the actual water level is 7.7m below natural surface.
The relationship of groundwater levels to seasonal determinations is explained in the relevant management plan above.
Water Monitoring website.
For further information or to obtain technical material relied upon for management arrangements, please contact the Groundwater and Streams section at GMW on 1800 013 357.