Occupation Licences

Docks on the foreshore

Water storages and the surrounding land can provide for a range of community benefits, in addition to storing and supplying water for consumptive use. These benefits include environmental health, recreational use, commercial opportunities and community livability.

In areas around some GMW storages, particularly adjacent to residential areas, structures have been placed on GMW land and are licensed to landowners with land directly adjoining GMW land.

Landowners may apply for an Occupation Licence and approval to construct and/or keep privately owned structures for recreational purposes on foreshore land owned or managed by GMW.

In areas around some of GMW storages and waterways, there may also be opportunity to apply for an Occupation Licence to graze livestock or seek formal access over GMW owned or managed land. There may be other time when an Occupation Licence may be appropriate.

Apply for an Occupation Licence

To make application to construct and use new foreshore structure(s), please refer to the relevant storage information below for the application forms and to review what structures may be allowed.

To understand the application process, please see the Occupation License Application Workflow.

View the Occupation Licence Application Workflow, opens in a new window

These applications should be used to apply for, renew, transfer, vary or cancel an Occupation Licence related to:

  • Foreshore
  • Grazing
  • Access
  • Other

Where an Occupation Licence already exists, you will need to make application if you wish to:

  • Apply for a new licence.
  • Renew a licence upon expiration. Note: Cancellation is not automatic upon licence expiry.
  • Change ownership due to:
    • change in ownership of the Licensees property attached to the existing licenced area (you will need to apply for a new licence).
    • change in name/s (Company Directors/Shareholding).
  • Vary a licence due to:
    • requesting approval for additional works and structures (including the replacement of existing structures) on the licenced area.
    • removing approved structures.
    • amending the licensed area (grazing only).
  • Cancel a licence if you no longer require it. Note: Cancellation may require an application for a works approval to remove any works and is subject to approval.

Occupation Licences are issued pursuant to the Water Act 1989, section 132 or under the Crown Land (Reserves) Act 1978, Section 17B and Regulations.

Click below to expand more information on each section.

The following privately owned structures will require and Occupation Licence, which is issued pursuant to the Water Act 1989, section 132.

Lake Eildon

  • Boat Ramp
  • Jetty – Standard (2m wide x 6m long, floating and/or transportable)
  • Landscaping Elements

Lake Eppalock

  • Boat Ramp
  • Jetty – Standard (2m wide x 8m long, fixed or floating)
  • Landscaping Elements

Goulburn Weir and Nagambie Waterways

  • Jetty – Standard (2m wide x 8m long, fixed or floating)
  • Landscaping Elements

Yarrawonga Weir and Lake Mulwala

  • Jetty - Standard (2m wide x 8m long, fixed)

Applicable to new customers, or upon sale of a property, or upon any additional works/structures or upgrades being implemented on a previously licensed site.

Applicable fees

To have your application processed, fees will be payable at the time of application.

Non-refundable application fees:

Other fees for service that may also be applicable at the time of application:

  • AC005 – Certificate of Title search fee (or attach a Certificate of Title search not older than 3 months)
  • AC006 – Company Extract search fee (or attach a Company Extract not older than 3 months)

Additional fees

If you are applying to undertake works such as minor repairs or vegetation works, a Foreshore Works Approval must be issued prior to any works commencing. 
A site assessment and supervision fee and a works refundable security deposit may apply. These fees are reviewed by GMW prior to approval of the works, based on risk of the works impacting GMW assets and services, and you will be advised of the final amount payable:

  • AC003 – Site assessment and supervision fee for construction of approved works
  • AC004 – Works refundable security deposit

Fees and charges (as of 1 July 2020)

Table of annual fees and charges

Type of Structure

Annual Fee (inc GST)


Jetty (Fixed or Floating) $654.50 up to 16m2
Jetty (Transportable) $302.50 Eildon only, (2m wide x 8m length) no more than 16m2
Boat Ramp (concrete) $654.50 Excluding Yarrawonga
Boat Ramp – gravel or dirt $100 Formed track – gravel or dirt (excluding Yarrawonga)
Landscaping elements $100 Garden beds and/or retaining wall for landscaping and beautification
  Nil Erosion protection or grassed area only (no permanent irrigation or sprinklers)

When applying for an Occupation license, you must be ready to supply the required supporting documentation as incomplete applications will not be processed:

Company Extract

If the application is for a company, a current company extract (less than 3 months old) must be provided, or GMW can obtain one on your behalf for $30 per search.

Certificate of Title

A current certificate of title (less than 3 months old) must be provided, or GMW can obtain one on your behalf for $30 per search.

Design Plans

A copy of the full colour design plans, A3 size, including a locality/site plan of the area which you propose to construct the works. The plans must also indicate your property boundary, GMW’s foreshore land and where the water line begins. Please refer to the GMW Design Standards above.

Management of Works

Evidence of appropriate project management measures to be implemented, including Safe Work Method Statements, Job Safety Analysis, environmental controls and evidence of appropriate training and certification of mobile plant operators etc.

Public Liability Insurance

Licensees are required to hold Public Liability Insurance of at least $20 million. Once the Occupation Licence is issued, the licensee’s Public Liability Insurance MUST note  Goulburn-Murray Water as an Interested Party and be extended to cover the licensed area.

Statutory Approvals

Your proposed works may require approvals from, but not limited to, the following authorities. You will need to attach any required statutory approvals from the authorities. Alternatively, you may provide written confirmation that you will obtain and provide these approvals prior to work commencing:

  • Aboriginal Cultural Heritage – You may be required to submit a Cultural Heritage Management Plan (CHMP)
  • Building works – Local council planning permit and/or building permit
  • Remove or disturb timber from a waterway – Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport and Recourse (Fisheries), and your local council
  • Remove or disturb aquatic or terrestrial native vegetation – Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DEWLP)
  • Earthworks – Registered Aboriginal Party
  • Works within a waterway – your regional Catchment Management Authority

Existing Licences

If you already have a licence for a boat ramp, it will be incorporated into the new Occupation Licence so that you will have one agreement and account for the area and all approved structures.

Application forms

Our forms have moved to the Forms page under the Property Services section

You will find the relevant forms for applying for a new occupation licence or to renew, transfer, vary or cancel an occupation licence.

Prior to completing any application, we recommend you contact your local Storage Manager to discuss any proposed works:

Apply to Undertake Works or Maintenance

This application form should be submitted to your local Storage Manager if you wish to undertake maintenance works on GMW foreshore land, including but not limited to;

  • Tree maintenance or pruning
  • Vegetation clearing
  • Willow or exotic species removal
  • Minor repairs to licensed structures

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Privacy Policy

Protecting your privacy
Goulburn-Murray Water (GMW) protects your privacy by collecting and handling your personal information in accordance with the requirements of the Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014. Your personal information is collected on this form for the purpose of administering this application and updating the Victorian Water Register. Information collected is usually disclosed to staff involved in processing your application, contractors and other relevant GMW staff. Failure to provide the information sought may result in processing delays or non acceptance of your application. It may also limit our ability to be able to provide various programs or services. You may gain access to and correct your personal information. For further information please refer to our Privacy Policy at 
www.gmwater.com.au , opens in a new window  or call (03) 5826 3500 to obtain a copy of this policy.