End of Season and Carryover

At the end of each irrigation season water entitlement holders have the option to*:

*Subject to Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning rules, and applicable deadlines.

Important dates

  • May 10 - Last day to submit water orders to ensure delivery
  • May 15 - End of gravity irrigation season
  • May 24 - Final submissions for temporary transfer of groundwater applications; last day to submit land applications and delivery share applications
  • June 14 - Last day to submit water share applications (must be submitted by 5:00pm)
  • June 17 - Last day to submit interstate allocation trades (must be submitted by 5:00pm)
  • June 21 - Final season meter reads to be entered for Diversions customers
  • June 21 - Last day to submit manual applications to trade or relinquish allocations (must be submitted by 5:00pm)
  • June 28 - Last day to submit online applications to trade or relinquish allocations via MyWater 
  • June 28, 5:00pm - Victorian Water Register, including MyWater and the broker portal closes for end of year processing
  • July 1, 8:30am - Victorian Water Register, including MyWater and the broker portal re-opens
  • July 16 - Last day to pay end of season accounts
  • August 15 - First day of the new irrigation season

GMW provides water entitlement holders with information about their end of irrigation season options as a courtesy. Customers are responsible for ensuring they undertake the necessary steps to carry over, use, sell or relinquish their unused water allocation before the appropriate deadlines.

More information

The water dictionary (opens in a new window) available on the Victorian Water Register website can help water entitlement holders understand the terms associated with the end of the irrigation season.

Further information about unused water allocation options is available by phoning the GMW Customer Experience team on 1800 013 357 or emailing reception@gmwater.com.au.

Water entitlement holders should also consider seeking professional advice from an experienced water broker or solicitor if unsure about their options.