Form PS004 - Application to Renew, Transfer or Vary an existing Licence (Seasonal Tour Operator)

Form PS004 - Seasonal tour operator licensing - Amend, Renew, Transfer

This form is used to apply to renew, transfer or vary an existing Seasonal Tour Operation Licence to operate a commercial business or activity on land or storage owned or managed by Goulburn-Murray Water (GMW).

Commercial licences are issued pursuant to the Water Act 1989, Section 132 or under Crown Land (Reserves) Act 1978, Section 17B and Regulations.

Goulburn-Murray Water (GMW) reminds customers that water in GMW managed waterbodies (including storages, rivers, lakes and channels) is not suitable for human consumption without first being properly treated.  Licence and/or Lease holders should advise their customers/users that the water is non-potable (i.e. not for human consumption), particularly if they run accommodation premises or food businesses, or if the public has access to the water (e.g. through a public tap).

Application types

You will need to renew a licence upon expiration

You will need to transfer a licence due to:

  • change in ownership of the Licensees business.
  • change in name/s (Company Directors/Shareholding).

You will need to vary a licence due to:

  • amending licence particulars without additional works or structures. eg. varying the licence area, or approved vessels etc.
  • requesting approval for additional works and structures (including the replacement of existing structures) on the licenced area.
  • removing approved structures.


Refer to a list of applicable application fees for Property Services – Recreation and Land Management Miscellaneous Fees:

  • PS004 – Application to Renew Licence, Transfer or Vary an existing Licence (Seasonal Tour Operator)
  • Company search
  • Further Additional Charges may be incurred if GMW are required to review additional information or undertake further technical assessment.
    • Site assessment and supervision fee for construction of approved works
    • Works Refundable Security Deposit
    • Technical Advice for High Risk or Complex Applications
    • Copy of record
    • Title search

Please allow a minimum of 6-8 weeks from receipt of completed application and fees for processing.

Please note, if your application is approved, you will need to pay an Annual Licence Fee.

For further assistance contact Property Services - Telephone: 1800 013 357 or Email:

Applicant or Lodging Party details

The Applicant is the person who is submitting the application to GMW, they are the main contact for that form submission and are responsible for the information being submitted and the coordination of e-signatures and payment of the application fee.

The Applicant may be a lodging party/ solicitor/ conveyancer/ water broker but can also be a new or existing customer submitting their own application form as  the seller/buyer or licensee.

If the property transferring includes a general place of take and/or extraction share, this will be included on the application form

Every application requires an “applicant”.

Postal address
Existing licences

If you have more than one existing agreement associated with this application, please note all Lease/Licence details here as:

  • Agreement No
  • Property No
  • Description

Description of licensee’s property attached to the licenced area (if applicable)

Please list all lands as Volume / Folio / Lot No / Plan No / Crown Allotment / Section / Parish.

Description of the licenced area (if applicable)

Please list all lands as Volume / Folio / Lot No / Plan No / Crown Allotment / Section / Parish.

Please provide a site map of the area of operation.

Licence holder(s) details
Certificate of Title and Title Plan This is a required field.

You can obtain a copy of your registered title by:

Certificate of Title and Title Plan This is a required field.

If you need to capture the details of more than 6 people, please contact GMW to request an offline form.

Applying as a Company

Please note when applying as a company:

  • You must provide the details of those persons duly authorised to sign on behalf of the company in accordance with section 127(1) of the Corporations Act 2001; two directors, alternatively one director and one secretary, unless there is a sole director and secretary of the company.
  • A current (less than 12 months old) copy of an ASIC Company Search listing all directors and/or office bearers must be provided.

You can obtain a Company Extract by:

You must provide the details of those persons duly authorised to sign on behalf of the company.

Licensee 1
Type This is a required field.
Type This is a required field.
Applicant (or Lodging Party) is Licensee 1 This is a required field.
Applicant (or Lodging Party) is Licensee 1 This is a required field.
Company details

Please see notes above on applying as a company.

Company Extract This is a required field.
Company Extract This is a required field.
Contact details
Postal address
Licensee 2
Type This is a required field.
Type This is a required field.
Company details

Please see notes above on applying as a company.

Company Extract This is a required field.
Company Extract This is a required field.
Contact details
Postal address is the same as 1? This is a required field.
Postal address is the same as 1? This is a required field.
Postal address
Licensee 3
Type This is a required field.
Type This is a required field.
Company details

Please see notes above on applying as a company.

Company Extract This is a required field.
Company Extract This is a required field.
Contact details
Postal address is the same as 2? This is a required field.
Postal address is the same as 2? This is a required field.
Postal address
Licensee 4
Type This is a required field.
Type This is a required field.
Company details

Please see notes above on applying as a company.

Company Extract This is a required field.
Company Extract This is a required field.
Contact details
Postal address is the same as 3? This is a required field.
Postal address is the same as 3? This is a required field.
Postal address
Licensee 5
Type This is a required field.
Type This is a required field.
Company details

Please see notes above on applying as a company.

Company Extract This is a required field.
Company Extract This is a required field.
Contact details
Postal address is the same as 4? This is a required field.
Postal address is the same as 4? This is a required field.
Postal address
Licensee 6
Type This is a required field.
Type This is a required field.
Company details

Please see notes above on applying as a company.

Company Extract This is a required field.
Company Extract This is a required field.
Contact details
Postal address is the same as 5? This is a required field.
Postal address is the same as 5? This is a required field.
Postal address
Application details
Adjoining Storage/Waterway/Asset This is a required field.

The Storage/Waterway/Asset that the Licencee's property adjoins.

Adjoining Storage/Waterway/Asset This is a required field.
Application Type This is a required field.
Application Type This is a required field.
Renew licence - renew an expired Licence
Vary Licence – request a change to the licence particulars

Describe any variation/s to the existing licence which does not include works/structures.

Vary licence - additional approved structures to be included or licence amendments required

If you are applying to undertake works or place new structures on the Licence Area, please complete this section.

A Works Approval must be issued prior to any works commencing. A Security Deposit and Supervision Fee apply. These are reviewed by GMW based on risk of the works impacting GMW assets and services. The fees are assessed prior to approval of the works and you will be advised.

The licence will be varied to include the additional Approved Structures and the annual Licence fees will be adjusted accordingly

List all proposed structures to be placed on foreshore land or adjoining waterway (proposed licence area).

Please attach a copy of the full colour design plans, A3 size, including a locality/site plan of the area which you propose to construct the works. The plans must also indicate your property boundary, GMW’s foreshore land and where the water line begins.

Please refer to GMW Design Standards at for:

  • Floating, fixed and transportable type private jetties on waterway banks
  • Standard boat launching ramp specifications
  • Retaining walls on waterway banks
  • Electrical services crossing GMW water storage perimeter land

Applications will not be processed until GMW receive design plans for approval. Please limit filenames to 100 characters or less.

Please provide evidence of appropriate project management measures to be implemented, including Safe Work Method Statements, Job Safety Analysis, environmental controls and evidence of appropriate training and certification of mobile plant operators etc.

Contractors who will be undertaking the works will need to provide a certificate of Public Liability Insurance for a minimum of $20 million.

Please limit filenames to 100 characters or less.

Existing (unlicensed) structures to be added to the licence (if applicable)

If you already have existing (unlicensed) structures, GMW will assess the structures and must approve them to remain. You may need to provide evidence such as a structural engineer report to confirm they are safe and comply with GMWs standards. Once approved, it can be included in the Licence. You may be required to remove, repair or replace any unapproved structures you have on GMWs property.

  • A Supervision fee may apply
  • Annual Licence fees will be adjusted accordingly 

Please list any existing private structures or assets you have in the proposed licenced area.

Any other variations to the existing licence (if applicable)

Please describe the proposed variation.

Vary licence - removal of some existing approved structures

If you intend removing existing Approved Structures you should apply to vary the Licence so that you comply with the licence conditions. GMW may need to provide a Works Approval prior to work commencing and will inspect the Licence Area once works are finished to confirm that the site has been reinstated prior to varying the Licence.

Please list any existing private structures or assets you would like to remove from your Licence area (including any structures that are to be replaced).

Transfer licence - due to sale of the Licensee's property or business

Licence transfer requirement

GMW may only approve a Licence transfer provided:

  • All current licence fees are paid; and
  • All Licence conditions are complied with.
  • Any Approved Structures are safe, sound and comply with GMW standards and specifications.
  • If an Approved Structure requires work to make it safe or compliant with GMW standards and specifications, GMW will issue a works notice. The transfer will not be approved until this is satisfied.
  • If GMW assess that an Approved Structure is not able to be made safe or compliant or the Licensee does not intend to make the Approved Structure safe or compliant, the Licensee will be required to remove it before the Licence will be transferred.

Please provide supporting evidence of the sale such as:

  • The Contract of Sale
  • A Notice of Acquisition/Disposition
  • A current Certificate of Title (no more than 3 months old)showing the new owners as the registered proprietor/s

Please provide the date that the business will be transferred.

A Business Case or plan and 5 year Business Plan, including evidence of appropriate project management measures to be implemented, including Safe Work Method, Job Safety Analysis, OHS Policy and Procedure, environmental controls and evidence of appropriate training and certification of mobile plant operators, any relevant licences or permits etc.

Please provide three business references as evidence of capability to operate a business.

Please provide two testimonials or evidence of financial solvency.

Evidence of public liability insurance for no less than $20 million. The policy must note Goulburn-Murray Water as an Interested Party and be extended to cover the licensed area.

A risk assessment which is site specific to the proposed location to ensure the specified site is free of hazards, does not impact other users (i.e. clash with houseboats, tour operators, impact GMW access to its operational plant).

Evidence that operating staff have appropriate training and hold the appropriate qualifications, licences, etc. (if applicable).

Please provide a proposed emergency management plan.

Please provide approval from other statutory authorities, as applicable (Local Government, Transport Safety Victoria, NSW Roads & Maritime etc.).

Transfer Licence - Change of name or shareholding

Provide evidence of change of names or shareholdings such as:

  • A current Company Extract (no more than 3 months old)
  • An approved document that shows evidence of the change of shareholding name or which shows the name of the share holders.


If you need to capture the details of more than 6 people, please contact GMW to request an offline form.

Applying as a Company

Please note when applying as a company:

  • You must provide the details of those persons duly authorised to sign on behalf of the company in accordance with section 127(1) of the Corporations Act 2001; two directors, alternatively one director and one secretary, unless there is a sole director and secretary of the company.
  • A current (less than 12 months old) copy of an ASIC Company Search listing all directors and/or office bearers must be provided.

You can obtain a Company Extract by:

You must provide the details of those persons duly authorised to sign on behalf of the company.

Transferee 1
Type This is a required field.
Type This is a required field.
Company details

Please see notes above on applying as a company.

Company Extract This is a required field.
Company Extract This is a required field.
Contact details
Postal address
Transferee 2
Applicant Type This is a required field.
Applicant Type This is a required field.
Company details

Please see notes above on applying as a company.

Company Extract This is a required field.
Company Extract This is a required field.
Contact details
Postal address is the same as Transferee 1? This is a required field.
Postal address is the same as Transferee 1? This is a required field.
Postal address
Transferee 3
Type This is a required field.
Type This is a required field.
Company details

Please see notes above on applying as a company.

Company Extract This is a required field.
Company Extract This is a required field.
Contact details
Postal address is the same as Transferee 2? This is a required field.
Postal address is the same as Transferee 2? This is a required field.
Postal address
Transferee 4
Type This is a required field.
Type This is a required field.
Company details

Please see notes above on applying as a company.

Company Extract This is a required field.
Company Extract This is a required field.
Contact details
Postal address is the same as Transferee 3? This is a required field.
Postal address is the same as Transferee 3? This is a required field.
Postal address
Transferee 5
Type This is a required field.
Type This is a required field.
Company details

Please see notes above on applying as a company.

Company Extract This is a required field.
Company Extract This is a required field.
Contact details
Postal address is the same as Transferee 4? This is a required field.
Postal address is the same as Transferee 4? This is a required field.
Postal address
Transferee 6
Type This is a required field.
Type This is a required field.
Company details

Please see notes above on applying as a company.

Company Extract This is a required field.
Company Extract This is a required field.
Contact details
Postal address is the same as Transferee 5? This is a required field.
Postal address is the same as Transferee 5? This is a required field.
Postal address
Transferee's declarations
Public Liability Insurance
Public Liability Insurance

Licensees are required to hold Public Liability insurance of at least $20 million. The Transferee will need to comply with this requirement. Please check the box to confirm you can comply with GMWs insurance requirements.

Public Liability Insurance
Aboriginal Cultural Heritage

Each application for works lodged with GMW is required to be assessed to determine if the application requires a Cultural Heritage Management Plan (CHMP) under the Aboriginal Heritage Act 2007. A CHMP is a written report prepared by a Heritage Advisor which contains the results of an assessment of the potential impact of a proposed activity or works on Aboriginal cultural heritage.

A CHMP is required for an activity if:

  • all or part of the activity is in an area of cultural heritage sensitivity. A waterway or land within 200m of a waterway may be considered an area of cultural heritage sensitivity; and
  • all or part of the activity is a high impact activity.

If the proposed activity is not an exempt activity then an applicant must provide clear documented proof that they meet the exemptions from the requirement to prepare a CHMP, as specified in the Act and Regulations.

A CHMP may be required prior to commencing any works.

In circumstances where a CHMP is required, GMW cannot grant an application without an approved CHMP. Therefore, it is important an applicant is aware of their obligations under the Act and its Regulations.

A CHMP may NOT be required for an activity if:

  • The site is not in an area of Cultural Heritage Sensitivity:

Check if the site of your works is subject to a CHMP - Cultural Heritage Sensitivity map (opens in a new window)

  • Site has been subject to significant ground disturbance:

Evidence must be provided why the site is already subject to significant ground disturbance. Significant ground disturbance means disturbance of:

(a) the topsoil or surface rock layer of the ground; or

(b) a waterway— by machinery in the course of grading, excavating, digging, dredging or deep ripping, but does not include ploughing other than deep ripping.

  • Works are Minor Works:

(a) fences or freestanding walls;

(b) temporary seating structures, stages or platforms.

  • Demolition or Removal of Works:

The demolition or removal of a building is an exempt activity.

You can access the Aboriginal Heritage Planning Tool on the Victorian government website (opens in a new window) and print a receipt of your results for inclusion in your application. If you do not have access to the internet, please contact the Licensing Unit for assistance.

Cultural Heritage Management Plan (CHMP) This is a required field.
Cultural Heritage Management Plan (CHMP) This is a required field.
Current licence holder's declarations
Public Liability Insurance
Public Liability Insurance This is a required field.

Please attach public liability insurance if you have appropriate policy, noting GMW as an interested party, for no less than $20 million, extended to cover licensed area.

Public Liability Insurance This is a required field.
Aboriginal Cultural Heritage

Each application for works lodged with GMW is required to be assessed to determine if the application requires a Cultural Heritage Management Plan (CHMP) under the Aboriginal Heritage Act 2007. A CHMP is a written report prepared by a Heritage Advisor which contains the results of an assessment of the potential impact of a proposed activity or works on Aboriginal cultural heritage.

A CHMP is required for an activity if:

  • all or part of the activity is in an area of cultural heritage sensitivity. A waterway or land within 200m of a waterway may be considered an area of cultural heritage sensitivity; and
  • all or part of the activity is a high impact activity.

If the proposed activity is not an exempt activity then an applicant must provide clear documented proof that they meet the exemptions from the requirement to prepare a CHMP, as specified in the Act and Regulations.

A CHMP may be required prior to commencing any works.

In circumstances where a CHMP is required, GMW cannot grant an application without an approved CHMP. Therefore, it is important an applicant is aware of their obligations under the Act and its Regulations.

A CHMP may NOT be required for an activity if:

  • The site is not in an area of Cultural Heritage Sensitivity:

Check if the site of your works is subject to a CHMP - Cultural Heritage Sensitivity map (opens in a new window)

  • Site has been subject to significant ground disturbance:

Evidence must be provided why the site is already subject to significant ground disturbance. Significant ground disturbance means disturbance of:

(a) the topsoil or surface rock layer of the ground; or

(b) a waterway— by machinery in the course of grading, excavating, digging, dredging or deep ripping, but does not include ploughing other than deep ripping.

  • Works are Minor Works:

(a) fences or freestanding walls;

(b) temporary seating structures, stages or platforms.

  • Demolition or Removal of Works:

The demolition or removal of a building is an exempt activity.

You can access the Aboriginal Heritage Planning Tool on the Victorian government website (opens in a new window) and print a receipt of your results for inclusion in your application. If you do not have access to the internet, please contact the Licensing Unit for assistance.

Cultural Heritage Management Plan (CHMP) This is a required field.

Will you be attaching a Cultural Heritage Management Plan (CHMP)?

Cultural Heritage Management Plan (CHMP) This is a required field.
Save draft

Please ensure that the information provided in this form is correct as it cannot be modified after it is submitted.

If needed, you are able to save a draft and come back to the form via a link that will be emailed to you.


Terms and conditions

This Application to Renew, Transfer, Vary or Cancel the Licence is approved subject to the following terms and conditions.


a. The Licensee transfers the Licence to the Transferee with all Further Terms (if any). The Transferee will hold the Licence from the Transfer Date.

b. If the Licensee is not the Licensee named in the Licence, the Licensee promises that it has become the Licensee by previous valid transfers of the Licence.


The Licensee promises that on the Transfer Date the Licence and the Options are valid and no changes have been made to them.


The Transferee must pay the Licence Fee and do everything else required by the Licence for the remainder of the Licence and during any period it stays in possession after it ends.


The Licensee acknowledges the general and special conditions set out in the licence will apply to the approved variations outlined in this application.



a. promises that, if it is not the Licensor named in the Licence, it is now the Corporation entitled to take possession of the Licensed Area if the Licence ends, and

b. has the authority to consents to this transfer


This transfer is binding on —

a. individuals, executors and administrators

b. corporations, liquidators and administrators

c. anyone to whom the persons affected by this transfer of Licence transfer their rights under it. In interpreting this transfer — a. singular words include plural and vice versa, and b. words expressed in one gender include all genders.


If any person named is made up of more than one individual or corporation, they must all perform their obligations under this transfer jointly and each individual must also perform them.


Protecting your privacy

Goulburn-Murray Water (GMW) protects your privacy by collecting and handling your personal information in accordance with the requirements of the Privacy & Data Protection Act 2014. Your personal information is collected on this form and will be used for the purpose of administering this application, updating our records and updating the Victorian Water Register (if applicable). Information collected is usually disclosed to staff involved in processing your application, contractors, connection staff, other relevant GMW staff and government departments. Failure to provide the information sought may result in processing delays or non acceptance of your application. It may also limit our ability to be able to provide various programs or services. You may gain access to and correct your personal information. For further information please refer to our Privacy Policy at or call 1800 013 357 to obtain a copy of this policy.