Our Price List 2024/25

Notice is hereby given by the Goulburn-Murray Rural Water Corporation (GMW) of the making of a resolution setting and adopting the fees and charges in this Price List and Schedule of Charges (Schedule).

All fees and charges are set for services and works provided by GMW for the period 1 July 2024 to 30 June 2025 except as otherwise provided. All prices are exempt from GST.

Annual Fees and Charges

Valid from 1 July 2024 to 30 June 2025.

Fee / Charge Unit $
Customer $ / Customer 138.00
Water Register $ / Entitlement 14.86
HA Hectares
kL Kilolitres
km Kilometres
ML Megalitres

Water Delivery Fees and Charges

Goulburn Murray Irrigation District

Shepparton, Central Goulburn, Rochester, Loddon Valley, Murray Valley, Torrumbarry

Fee / Charge Unit Price ($)
Service Point - D&S $ / Each 145.00
Service Point - Local Operate $ / Each 497.00
Service Point - Remote Operate $ / Each 1,129.00
Infrastructure Access 1 $ / ML/day 2,827.00
Infrastructure Use 1 $ / ML 5.71
Casual Infrastructure Use $ / ML 48.14
Distribution Access $ / ML/day 2,827.00
Distribution Use $ / ML 5.71
Delivery Share Reservation $ / ML/day 2,827.00
Termination 2 $ / ML/day 28,270.00



Fee / Charge Unit Price ($)
Service Point - D&S $ / Each 145.00
Service Point - Local Operate $ / Each 595.00
Service Point - Remote Operate $ / Each 1,129.00
Infrastructure Access 1 $ / ML / day 4,727.00
Infrastructure Use 1 $ / ML 26.88
Casual Infrastructure Use $ / ML 97.79
Delivery Share Reservation $ / ML / day 4,727.00
Termination 2 $ / ML / day 47,270.00


Nyah Irrigation District

Fee / Charge Unit Price ($)
Service Point - D&S $ / Each 145.00
Service Point - Local Operate $ / Each 497.00
Infrastructure Access 1 $ / ML / day 4,296.00
Infrastructure Use 1 $ / ML 34.55
Casual Infrastructure Use $ / ML 98.99
Delivery Share Reservation $ / ML / day 4,296.00
Termination 2 $ / ML / day 42,960.00


Tresco Irrigation District

Fee / Charge Unit Price ($)
Service Point - D&S $ / Each 145.00
Service Point - Local Operate $ / Each 497.00
Infrastructure Access 1 $ / ML / day 5,248.00
Infrastructure Use 1 $ / ML 20.25
Casual Infrastructure Use $ / ML 98.98
Delivery Share Reservation $ / ML / day 5,248.00
Termination 2 $ / ML / day 52,480.00

Surface Drainage Fees and Charges  3   

Goulburn Murray Irrigation District

Murray Valley - East

Fee / Charge Unit Price ($)
Area $ / HA 13.97
Water Use $ / ML 2.41
Drainage Diversion Site $ / Each 56.00
Community Surface Drainage $ / km 745.00


Shepparton - East

Fee / Charge Unit Price ($)
Area $ / HA 16.77
Water Use $ / ML 2.80
Drainage Diversion Site $ / Each 56.00
Community Surface Drainage $ / km 745.00


Central Goulburn - Central

Fee / Charge Unit Price ($)
Area $ / HA 11.62
Water Use $ / ML 2.18
Drainage Diversion Site $ / Each 56.00
Community Surface Drainage $ / km 745.00


Rochester-Campaspe - Central

Fee / Charge Unit Price ($)
Area $ / HA 10.82
Water Use $ / ML 1.95
Drainage Diversion Site $ / Each 56.00
Community Surface Drainage $ / km 745.00


Loddon Valley - West

Fee / Charge Unit Price ($)
Area $ / HA 8.65
Water Use $ / ML 3.79
Drainage Diversion Site $ / Each 56.00
Community Surface Drainage $ / km 745.00


Torrumbarry - West

Fee / Charge Unit Price ($)
Area $ / HA 5.62
Water Use $ / ML 1.49
Drainage Diversion Site $ / Each 56.00
Community Surface Drainage $ / km 745.00



Fee / Charge Unit Price ($)
Area $ / HA 19.76
Water Use $ / ML 5.45
Drainage Diversion Site $ / Each 56.00


Subsurface Drainage Fees and Charges  4   

Goulburn Murray Irrigation District

Murray Valley - East

Fee / Charge Unit Price ($)
Area $ / HA 4.75
Municipal Area  $ / HA  19.02


Central Goulburn - Central

Fee / Charge Unit Price ($)
Area $ / HA 4.60
Water Use $ / ML 1.24
Municipal Area $ / HA 18.40


Rochester - Central

Fee / Charge Unit Price ($)
Area $ / HA 4.60
Water Use $ / ML 1.24
Municipal Area  $ / HA  18.40



Fee / Charge Unit Price ($)
Area $ / HA 3.53
Water Use $ / ML 1.40


Nyah Irrigation District


Fee / Charge Unit Price ($)
Water Use $ / ML 8.25


Tresco Irrigation District


Fee / Charge Unit Price ($)
Subsurface Drainage $ / ML 3.36


Diversion Fees and Charges

Fee / Charge Unit Regulated Waterways 5 Unregulated Waterways 6 Groundwater 7 Shepparton Irrigation
Region Groundwater
Service Point - Unmetered $ / Each 127.00 127.00 127.00 N/A
Service Point - Metered (excluding D&S) $ / Each 497.00 497.00 497.00 N/A
Access $ / Each Service Point 203.00 77.00 136.00 65.00
Resource Management $ / ML N/A 3.34 4.58 0.77

Water Supply District 8   Fees and Charges

Fee / Charge Unit Price for East Loddon Price for Mitiamo Price for Normanville Price for Tungamah Price for East Loddon (North) Price for West Loddon
Service Point $ / Each 145.00 145.00 145.00 145.00 N/A N/A
Water Allowance Storage $ / ML 10.97 10.97 10.97 10.97 10.97 10.97
Infrastructure Access $ / kL / day 52.00 190.52 171.43 104.65 N/A N/A
Infrastructure Access $ / HA N/A N/A N/A N/A 2.98 2.93
Infrastructure Use $ / ML 106.21 30.06 165.37 80.32 N/A N/A
Distribution Access $ / ML / day N/A 190.52 N/A N/A 2,827.00 N/A
Distribution Use $ / ML N/A 30.06 N/A N/A 5.71 N/A
Excess $ / ML 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00

Loch Garry Flood Protection District

Fee / Charge Unit Price ($)
Flood Protection $ / HA 2.24

Entitlement Storage Fees and Charges

Fee / Charge Unit Broken Basin Goulburn Basin Campaspe Basin Loddon Basin Bullarook Basin Murray Basin Ovens Basin
High Reliability Water Share Entitlement Storage $ / ML 10.97 10.97 10.97 10.97 10.97 12.17 12.17
Low Reliability Water Share Entitlement Storage $ / ML 5.01 5.01 5.01 5.01 5.01 4.46 N/A
Spill Reliability Water Share Entitlement Storage $ / ML N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 4.46
Above Entitlement Storage $ / ML N/A 4.52 18.86 N/A N/A 4.77 N/A

Bulk Water Fees and Charges

Fee / Charge Unit Broken Basin Goulburn Basin Campaspe Basin Loddon Basin Bullarook Basin Murray Basin Ovens Basin
Very High Reliability Entitlement $ / ML N/A 8.98 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
High Reliability Entitlement $ / ML 69.13 8.57 29.97 50.87 532.45 10.28 87.20
Low Reliability Entitlement $ / ML N/A 4.43 18.49 N/A 322.61 4.68 N/A
WR Equivalent Entitlement $ / ML N/A 10.94 N/A N/A N/A 12.04 N/A
Coliban Capacity Share Source $ / ML N/A N/A 37.62 N/A N/A N/A N/A
Above Entitlement Storage $ / ML N/A 4.43 18.49 N/A N/A 4.68 N/A

Regional Urban Storage Ancillary Fees

Fee / Charge Unit Price ($)
Regional Urban Storage Ancillary Fee $ / ML 10.00

Houseboat 9 Fees and Charges

Fee / Charge Unit Price ($)
Category 1: A trailable boat able to be transported without the need for a Vic Roads permit (not upgradeable) - Maximum size 10m x 3.5m Ea 497.00
Category 2: One enclosed level, non trailable (not upgradeable) - Maximum size 10.6m x 4.5m Ea 916.00
Category 3: Two or more enclosed levels (upgradeable) - Maximum size 10.6m x 4.5m
OR Houseboat with one enclosed level (upgradeable) - Maximum size 13.7m x 5.5m
Ea 1,574.00
Category 4: Two or more enclosed levels (upgradeable) - Maximum size 13.7m x 5.5m OR One enclosed level (upgradeable) - Maximum size 15.2m x 6.25m Ea 2,162.00
Category 5: Two or more enclosed levels (upgradeable) - Maximum size 15.2m x 6.25m OR One enclosed level (upgradeable) - Maximum size 18.3m x 7.25m Ea 2,624.00
Category 6: Two enclosed levels (not upgradeable) - Maximum size 18.3m x 7.25m Ea 3,142.00
Category 7: Special - commercial vessel - Maximum size 20m x 8m Ea 3,667.00

Miscellaneous Fees and Charges

Groundwater Fees and Charges

Groundwater Works Licence

Fee / Charge Form Unit Price ($)
Construct Works Licence - Non Licensable Bore - Alter Existing / Issue New / Replace Existing / Amend Existing 72 Ea 280.00
Construct Works Licence - Non Licensable Bore - Renew Existing / Transfer Ownership  72 Ea 280.00
Construct Works Licence - Non Licensable Bore - Additional Bore 72 Ea 155.00
Construct Works Licence - Licensable Bore - Issue New / Alter Existing / Amend Existing  70 Ea 2,245.00
Construct Works Licence - Licensable Bore - Renew Existing / Transfer Ownership  70 Ea 255.00
Construct Works Licence - Licensable Bore - Replace Works  70 Ea 1,295.00
Construct Works Licence - Licensable Bore - Additional Bore 70 Ea 155.00
Construct Works Licence - Decommission Works 76 Ea 335.00
Online - Construct a Domestic and Stock Bore N/A Ea 241.40
Online - Amend and Renew a Domestic and Stock Bore N/A Ea 82.20
Online - Construct an Investigation or Monitoring Bore N/A Ea 241.40
Online - Amend and Renew an Investigation or Monitoring Bore N/A Ea 82.20

Groundwater Take and Use Licence

Fee / Charge Form Unit Price ($)
Licensable Bore - Issue New  91 Ea 2,245.00
Licensable Bore - Temporary Transfer Water Entitlement Tier 1  75GW Ea 255.00
Licensable Bore - Temporary Transfer Water Entitlement Tier 2  75GW Ea 1,955.00
Licensable Bore - Temporary Transfer Water Entitlement Tier 2B 75GW Ea 565.00
Permanent Transfer Water Entitlement  74GW Ea 2,245.00
Licensable Bore - Transfer Ownership / Transfer Extraction Share  93 Ea 255.00
Licensable Bore - Renew Existing  73GW Ea 795.00
Licensable Bore - Decrease Volume / Remove Land  91 Ea 255.00
Licensable Bore - Subdivide a Licence 78 Ea 1,595.00
Licensable Bore - Amalgamate Licences  77 Ea 1,595.00
Licensable Bore - Amend Existing  91 Ea 1,060.00

Private Dams

Fee / Charge Form Unit Price ($)
Construct Works Licence - Licensable Dam - Alter Existing / Decommission Works / Issue New  60 Ea 1,760.00
Operate Works Licence - Licensable Dam - Issue New  61 Ea 1,050.00
Operate Works Licence - Licensable Dam - Renew Existing  62 Ea 985.00
Operate Works Licence - Licensable Dam - Transfer Ownership 62 Ea 185.00

Regulated Rivers and Streams

Works Licence

Fee / Charge Form Unit Price ($)
Construct Works Licence - Issue New  29 Ea 890.00
Construct Works Licence - Renew Existing  31 Ea 280.00
Operate Works Licence - Issue New 29 Ea 890.00
Operate Works Licence - Amend Existing / Renew Existing  31 Ea 855.00
Operate Works Licence - Transfer Ownership  31 Ea 185.00

Water Use Licence or Registration

Fee / Charge Form Unit Price ($)
Issue New - with Field Inspection  23 Ea 860.00
Issue New - without Field Inspection 23 Ea 150.00
Vary Existing  24 Ea 150.00
Subdivide or Amalgamate - with Field Inspection 25A Lot 860.00
Subdivide or Amalgamate - without Field Inspection 25A Lot 150.00

Unregulated Rivers and Streams

Works Licence

Fee / Charge Form Unit Price ($)
Construct Works Licence - Alter Existing / Amend Existing / Issue New  90 Ea 1,295.00
Construct Works Licence - Transfer Ownership / Renew Existing 90 Ea 255.00
Construct Works Licence - Decommission Works  79 Ea 185.00

Take and Use Licence

Fee / Charge Form Unit Price ($)
Issue New  71 Ea 2,120.00
Temporary Transfer Water Entitlement Tier 1  75SW Ea 255.00
Temporary Transfer Water Entitlement Tier 2  75SW Ea 1,865.00
Temporary Transfer Water Entitlement Tier 2B  75SW Ea 565.00
Permanent Transfer Water Entitlement  74SW Ea 2,120.00
Transfer Ownership / Transfer Extraction Share  93 Ea 255.00
Renew Existing  73SW Ea 795.00
Amalgamate Licences  77 Ea 1,595.00
Subdivide a Licence  78 Ea 1,595.00
Amend Existing  71 Ea 1,060.00
Decrease volume / Remove land 71 Ea 255.00
Private Right Determination  95 Ea 795.00
Waterway Determination  96 Ea 930.00
Waterway Determination Additional Assessment  96 Ea 565.00

Place of Take

Fee / Charge Form Unit Price ($)
Trade of Extraction Share 16 Ea 221.60
Vary of Extraction Share 14 Ea 221.60


Water Supply District

Fee / Charge Form Unit Price ($)
Amalgamate Properties  171 Ea 410.00
Issue New  172 Ea 1,220.00
Subdivide a Property  170 Lot 410.00

Information Statements and Special Meter Readings

Fee / Charge Unit Price ($)
Copy of Record Ea 32.00
Information Statement Ea 115.00
Information Statement Express Service Ea 180.00
Special Meter Reading Ea 115.00

Capital Charge for New Groundwater Entitlement per Megalitre of Licence Volume

MDBA Groundwater Sustainable Diversion Limit Zone Depth of Bore (m) Electro-conductivity (µS/cm) Cost per ML of Licence Volume ($)
Goulburn Murray Highlands N/A N/A 190.00
Goulburn Murray Sedimentary Plain <=25 N/A N/A
Goulburn Murray Sedimentary Plain >25 <4,800 1,450.00
Goulburn Murray Sedimentary Plain >25 >4,800 190.00


Irrigation Districts

Fee / Charge Form Unit Price ($)
Amend District Boundary  150 Ea 670.00

Delivery Share

Fee / Charge Form Unit Price ($)
Transfer  36 Ea 255.00
Vary Existing 35 Ea 255.00
Issue New  34 Ea 255.00
Reservation 34 Ea 255.00
Capacity Assessment N/A Ea 255.00

Private Works

Fee / Charge Form Unit Price ($)
Issue New  130 Ea 1,345.00
Security Deposit  130 Ea 25% of job (min $1,000)
Supervision Fee  130 Ea 5% of job (min $275)
Transfer Ownership  131 Ea 185.00
Renew Existing  131 Ea 535.00
Installation of a Small Pipe Outlet for Non-Irrigation Purposes 135 Ea 670.00

Supply Agreement

Fee / Charge Form Unit Price ($)
Drainage Diversion - Issue New - without Field Inspection 143 Ea


Drainage Diversion - Issue New - with Field Inspection 143 Ea 535.00
Amend Existing / Issue New  141 Ea 565.00
Mobile Collection Issue New  142 Ea 205.00

Water Use Licence or Registration

Fee / Charge Form Unit Price ($)
Issue New - with Field Inspection  23 Ea 860.00
Issue New - without Field Inspection  23 Ea 150.00
Vary Existing - without Field Inspection  24 Ea 150.00
Subdivide or Amalgamate - with Field Inspection 25A Lot 860.00
Subdivide or Amalgamate - without Field Inspection 25A Lot 150.00

Water Share and Allocation Applications 10

Fee / Charge Form Unit Price ($)
Transfer a Water Share 1 Ea 221.60
Divide a Water Share  5 Ea 186.70
Consolidate Water Shares  6 Ea 186.70
Issue of a Water Share  7 Ea 221.60
Cancel a Water Share  8 Ea 221.60
Vary and / or Associate, or Revoke the Association of a Water Share  9 Ea 98.60
Limited Term transfer  10 Ea 221.60
Trade Water Allocation  39 Ea 98.60
Trade Water Allocation (submitted via My Water) 39 Ea 52.40

Houseboat Application, Inspection and Transfer Fees

Fee / Charge Unit Price ($)
Application fee for initial houseboat licence Ea 323.80
Inspection fee for both single and multi-deck houseboats at Eildon Ea 525.00
Inspection fee for both single and multi-deck houseboats at other locations Ea 739.90
Fee for transfer of houseboat licence to another person under regulation 12 Ea 323.80
Application fee for restricted term licence Ea 158.60

Recreation and Land Management Miscellaneous Fees

Occupation Licence (Foreshore, Grazing, Access, Other) Storage Perimeter or GMID

Fee / Charge Unit Price ($)
Application for a New Occupation Licence Ea 345.00
Application to Renew Licence, Transfer or Vary Ea 405.00

Occupation Licence (Commercial Business Operator)

Fee / Charge Unit Price ($)
Application for a New Licence (Seasonal Tour Operator) Ea 765.00
Application to Renew, Transfer or Vary Licence (Seasonal Tour Operator) includes site inspection Ea 490.00
Application for a New Licence (Commercial Hire & Drive Houseboat Licence) Ea 765.00
Application to Renew Licence, Transfer or Vary (Commercial Hire & Drive Houseboat Licence) includes site inspection Ea 490.00

Works on Storage Perimeter Land Permit

Fee / Charge Unit Price ($)
Application to Undertake Works or Maintenance on GMW Land - Minor Works (ie. tree lopping, vegetation clearance, jetty / decking board replacement) Ea N/A
Application to Undertake Works or Maintenance on GMW Land - Medium or Major Works Ea 205.00

Request for Land Dealing / Enquiries

Fee / Charge Unit Price ($)
Application for a Letter of Consent, Title verification, Withdrawal of Caveats, removal of easements etc. Ea 175.00
Deed of Agreement - Land Development eg. S173 Agreement Ea 575.00

Additional Charges

Fee / Charge Unit Price ($)
Site assessment and supervision fee for construction of approved works Ea 5% job ($330 min)
Works Refundable Security Deposit Ea 25% job ($1,000 min)
Title Search (per search) Search 32.00
Company Search (per search) Search 32.00
Copy of Record Ea 32.00

Event Fees

Fee / Charge Unit Price ($)
Application Processing Fee Ea 345.00
Event Fee Per Day Day 175.00

Technical Advice for High Risk or Complex Applications

Fee / Charge Unit Price ($)
Technical Advice for High Risk or Complex Applications Hour 155

Fixed Annual Fees and Charges

When are fees payable?

Fixed Annual Fees and Charges are due by the following dates:
Service Type Due Date
Customer, Water Delivery, Surface Drainage, Subsurface Drainage, Diversion, Water Supply, Flood Protection, Entitlement Storage 16-Dec-24 a, b
Bulk Water, Regional Urban Storage Ancillary Fee 16-Dec-24
Houseboats 30-Jun-24 c
  1. Payment Options
    Pay in full by 16 December 2024. We are also offering instalment options for 2024/25 Fixed Charges Accounts. Pay 8 equal instalments of 12.5% on the 16th of each month, starting on 16 September 2024 with the final payment due on 16 April 2025.
  2. Concessions
    There is a Victorian Government concession available upon application, to eligible persons for the services defined in the Concession (Water Corporation) Order 2013 (as amended from time to time). The Water Concession is 50% on the Fixed Charges Accounts, with a maximum cap for 2024/25 set at $181.50.
  3. Annual Licence Fees must be paid by 30 June 2024.

Variable Fees

Variable fees and charges are payable within 30 days of the invoice date.
Service Type Due Date
Water Delivery, Surface Drainage, Subsurface Drainage, Water Supply 16-Jul-25
Entitlement Storage, Bulk Water 16-Jul-25 a
  1. Applies only to Above Entitlement Storage.

Miscellaneous Fees and Charges

Miscellaneous fees and charges are payable on application.


Interest shall be payable in respect to all amounts payable under a fee or charge if the amount is not paid by the due date. The interest rate applicable to amounts not paid by the due date calculated in accordance with the Water Act 1989 (Vic) is 6.2% for the 2024/25 Financial Year. Prior to applying interest we will inform the customer when interest is to be applied to the outstanding amounts. Interest will not be payable on overdue account balances by customers who enter into and comply with a payment arrangement. This applies for balances from a prior period where a payment arrangement is still in force. Payments are applied on the following basis: Legal costs owing (if any); Interest owing (if any); Arrears owing (if any); Current rates and charges (divided evenly across all charges), unless otherwise requested by the owner.

How our Fees and Charges are Determined

GMW determines fees and charges for the forthcoming financial year following consultation with customers. Customers may participate or provide feedback on GMW’s process for setting its fees and charges by calling us on 1800 013 357 or emailing us at  reception@gmwater.com.au
Our regulated and prescribed annual and miscellaneous fees and charges are approved by the Essential Services Commission.
Planning and management charges are charges determined by or on behalf of an agency of the Commonwealth or an agency of a State, excluding charges determined by a local government body. The Minister for Water delegated certain functions and responsibilities under the Water Act 1989 (Vic) to GMW in the Instrument of Delegation dated 13 December 2019. This includes determining fees for the issuing, varying or cancelling of water use or works licences. Additionally, Water Share and Allocation Application fees and charges and fees and charges related to the Victorian Water Register, excluding the Water Register Fee, are prescribed under Victorian regulations 11 .
Tariffs for Customer, Water Delivery, Surface Drainage, Subsurface Drainage, Water Supply, Flood Protection and Water Supply Protection service types are calculated in accordance with the 2024/25 Tariff Procedure, which is available at www.gmwater.com.au/customer-services/pricing and GMW’s office located at 40 Casey Street, Tatura 3616.


Further Information

For further information in relation to your fees and charges, please also see our Customer Charter at www.gmwater.com.au/customer-charter


If you have any questions or wish to dispute your bill, please phone 1800 013 357 or for other options, please visit our website at www.gmwater.com.au/feedback or email complaintsmgtsys@gmwater.com.au

Understanding Your Fees and Charges

Above Entitlement Storage Fee is payable by customers who hold more water in storage than their entitlement volume.

Access Fee is a fee for the service of ensuring water is accessed according to the Corporation’s rules and plans. This includes water ordering, rosters and restrictions, interference management and compliance with other requirements of rules and plans. The fee is payable by customers with surface water and/or groundwater licences.

Area Fee is a fee for the service of operating, maintaining and renewing the drainage network (including subsurface drainage services) that services your irrigation district. This fee is payable by customers in the irrigation districts.

Bulk Water Entitlement Fees are payable for the storage and the delivery of water to Irrigation Infrastructure Operators, operators of reticulated water systems, and customers who divert bulk water directly from a watercourse for use and is made available through a service that is provided for the storage or delivery of water that is primarily stored or delivered on river relating to the Murray-Darling Basin. These fees are payable only by customers with bulk entitlements or environmental entitlements.

Capital Charge for New Groundwater Entitlement relates to the sale of a groundwater entitlement. This is a one-off charge per megalitre where space is available under management area groundwater caps. See www.gmwater.com.au/capital-charges for more information on the Capital Charge for New Groundwater Entitlement.

Casual Infrastructure Use Fee is a fee for each ML of water you have delivered during the season in excess of your Annual Delivery Allowance.

Community Surface Drainage Fee is a fee for administering the community surface drainage scheme in your Irrigation area. This fee is payable by the owner of a property within an Irrigation district or Irrigation area, who is a participant in a community surface drainage scheme.

Customer Fee is a fee for maintaining your land and water records, billing, debt management and central customer service. This fee is payable by all of our customers.

Delivery Share Reservation Fee is a fee applied to landowners in irrigation districts who choose to reserve access to delivery systems for a limited period while they are developing or expanding agricultural enterprises.

Distribution Access Fee is equivalent to the Infrastructure Access Fee but is payable by an urban water corporation whose bulk water is delivered by irrigation and/or water supply districts.

Distribution Use Fee is equivalent to the Infrastructure Use Fee but is payable by an urban water corporation whose bulk water is delivered by irrigation and/or water supply districts.

Drainage Diversion Site Fee is a fee for managing, maintaining and renewing drain diversion service points in your irrigation district. This fee is payable by customers in the irrigation districts.

Entitlement Storage Fee is a fee for operating and maintaining water storages that service your regulated river system. The costs are charged per ML of the type of entitlement you hold. This fee is payable by customers with water shares for regulated rivers.

Event Fees are charges for private, community or commercial events on or near GMW’s waterways and are charged per day. See www.gmwater.com.au/recreation-tourism/event-permits for more information on Event Fees.

Excess Fee is a fee for the number of megalitres supplied that exceeds the Seasonal Water Allowance.

Flood Protection Fee relates to the Loch Garry structure mitigating flooding for a defined area. This fee applies for each hectare in the Loch Garry area for the costs of operating and maintaining the structure. This fee is payable by all customers in the Loch Garry district.

Groundwater Application Fees are payable in relation to applications for licences to undertake works relating to groundwater or to take and use groundwater.

Houseboats Fees relate to applications for a licence and holding a houseboat licence at Lake Eildon. See www.gmwater.com.au/recreation-tourism/houseboats for more information on Houseboats fees.

Information Statements and Special Meter Reading Fees are payable in relation to applications for information on the Water Register.

Infrastructure Access Fee is calculated on the amount of MLs per day of delivery share you hold and it is a fee for operating, maintaining and renewing the delivery network in your irrigation area. The delivery network can include channels, pipes, bridges, road crossings, siphons and subways. This fee is payable by irrigation and Domestic & Stock customers with delivery shares.

Infrastructure Use Fee is a fee for operating, maintaining and renewing the delivery network in your irrigation area. The fee applies per ML of water used during the season on your property. This fee is payable by irrigation and Domestic & Stock customers with delivery shares.

Irrigation Districts Application Fees are miscellaneous fees and charges applicable to the Murray Valley, Shepparton, Central Goulburn, Rochester, Loddon Valley and Torrumbarry irrigation districts.

Municipal Area Fee is a fee for the costs of operating, maintaining and renewing the drainage network that services the municipal area from local government entities.

Place of Take approval authorises an allocation account holder to take water from the identified approved place (at the service point), subject to any terms and conditions on the general place of take approval. For river diverters, the general place of take approval includes the holder’s extraction share (notional rationing rate).

Private Dam Fees are fees and charges related to applications for the registration of privately-owned farm dams or licences to take water from privately-owned farm dams.

Recreation and Land Management Miscellaneous Fees are miscellaneous fees and charges relating to applications for licences, works permits, land developments and other additional fees.

Regulated Rivers and Streams Application Fees are miscellaneous fees and charges related to the Murray-Darling Basin Authority or GMW’s weirs, storages or dams on the river system to control the flow of water.

Resource Management Fee is a fee for developing, managing and reviewing resource management plans for unregulated surface water and groundwater. This fee is payable by customers with unregulated surface water and groundwater licences.

Regional Urban Storage Ancillary Fee is a fee for managing the recreational component of storages which are not recovered by leasing and licensing fees. This fee is payable by Urban Water Corporations who hold bulk water entitlements.

Subsurface Drainage Fee is a fee for providing subsurface drainage services in your irrigation district. This fee is payable by customers in the irrigation districts.

Service Point Fee – Diversions.  Applicable to Surface Water and Groundwater Diverters (except Shepparton Irrigation Region Groundwater Diverters). The fee is for operating and maintaining service points, including measuring use and maintaining compliant meters:

  • Service Point Fee – Unmetered is a fee applicable to service points that do not have a meter installed, or are used only for domestic and stock purposes.
  • Service Point Fee – Metered (excluding domestic and stock) is a fee applicable to service points where a meter is installed and is used for purposes other than domestic and stock.

These fees are payable by customers with surface water licences and/or groundwater licences.

Service Point Fee – Water Supply is a fee for operating and maintaining service points which connect your property to our assets in your water supply district.
Service Point Fee – Water Delivery is a fee for operating and maintaining service points (meters and outlets) which connect your property to our assets in your irrigation district. This fee applies for each of the following service points:
  • Domestic and Stock (D&S) is a fee for operating and maintaining domestic and stock service points.
  • Local Operate means a service point that is operated manually on site by customers and the meter readings are collected by GMW either remotely or by site visit.
  • Remote Operate is a fee for a service point with electronic features that is automatically operated and the meter reading is automatically recorded.

These fees are payable by irrigation and D&S customers.

Technical Advice for High Risk or Complex Applications Fee is charged for advice provided by GMW regarding high risk or complex licence applications. For example, this fee may be charged in relation to obtaining additional information such as a report of Hydrological and/or Ecological assessments for unregulated surface water applications.

Termination Fee is a fee charged to a customer who holds a delivery share upon termination of all or part of that share.

Unregulated Rivers and Streams Application Fees are miscellaneous fees and charges when the flow in the river or stream is not controlled by Murray-Darling Basin Authority or GMW’s weirs, storages or dams.

Water Allowance Storage Fee is a fee for operating and maintaining the water storages that store water for water supply districts. This fee is payable by water supply customers.

Water Share and Allocation Applications relate to applications to transfer, divide, consolidate, issue, cancel, vary etc. water share and/or water allocations.

Water Supply District Application Fees are miscellaneous fees and charges applicable to the Tungamah, East Loddon, East Loddon North, West Loddon, Normanville and Mitiamo districts.

Water Register Fee is a fee for storing your records on the Victorian Water Register (Register) and is levied based on the number of your water entitlements. Examples of water entitlements are bulk entitlement, water share, section 51 licence, supply by agreement and water district water allowance. This fee is payable by all customers with water entitlements stored on the Register.
Water Use Fee is a fee for operating, maintaining and renewing the drainage network (including subsurface drainage services) in your irrigation district.

Our customers

We provide services and works to:

  • Irrigation customers
  • D&S customers
  • Environmental watering customers
  • Urban water supply customers
  • Water investment customers
  • Flood protection customers
  • Recreation customers
  • Commercial leasing customers
  • Farm dam registrations and Private Rights customers
  • Contract services customers
  • Power generation customers
  • Water District customers
  • Drainage customers
  • Groundwater customers

Water resource

Our annual and miscellaneous fees and charges relate to Murray-Darling Basin water resources.


    1. Infrastructure fees for water delivery in the Goulburn-Murray Irrigation District (excluding Woorinen) are set for the period 15 August 2024 to 15 May 2025.
    2. These fees are indicative: The figures shown will generally apply to terminations requested to apply within 6 months of a customer submitting a written information request. For terminations requested to apply more than 6 months after the written information request is submitted, the termination fee will be the fee that is applicable at the date of termination and calculated in accordance with Part 10 of the Water Charge Rules 2010 (Cth) as at the termination. This termination fee will form part of the Termination Information Statement given to the customer.
    3. Prices applied only relate to the ‘Area Fee’ and ‘Water Use’ Fee. There are 8 Drainage Divisions. The Fees listed are for the 1st Division. Adjustments are made for other Divisions as applicable. Please refer to the ‘Tariff Procedures’ on our website: www.gmwater.com.au/pricing
    4. Prices applied are for Service Level A / Drainage Division 1. Adjustments are made for various Service Levels / Divisions in the applicable Areas. Please refer to the ‘Tariff Procedures’ on our website: www.gmwater.com.au/pricing
    5. Regulated Waterways are a natural system of streams, creeks and rivers that are controlled or ‘regulated’ water storages, enabling water to be released when it is required. These fees are payable by customers with regulated surface water licences.
    6. These fees apply to water in unregulated waterways and other unregulated surface water. These fees are payable by customers with unregulated surface water licenses.
    7. These fees are applicable to groundwater diverters and payable by customers with groundwater licences.
    8. East Loddon North and West Loddon prices applied for Infrastructure Access and Water Allowance Storage are as per Division 1. There are 4 Divisions and adjustments are made for the other Divisions as applicable. Please refer to the ‘Tariff Procedures’ on our website: www.gmwater.com.au/pricing
    9. These fees are prescribed under the Water (Lake Eildon Recreational Area) (Houseboats) Regulations 2024 (Vic).
    10. The Water Share and Allocation Application fees recover the application fees prescribed by the Water (Resource Management) Regulations 2017 (Vic). These fees are collected by GMW but payable to the Department.
    11. Water (Resource Management) Regulations 2017 (Vic).

Past price lists

In accordance with sections 260 and 264 of the Water Act 1989, Goulburn-Murray Rural Water Corporation is required to advertise annual tariffs and any tariff changes.

The tariffs are set for services and works provided by the Corporation for the financial year periods, with some specific exceptions noted within individual advertisements.

Please contact  reception@gmwater.com.au to request copies of GMW's Price Lists from previous years.