Each application for works lodged with GMW is required to be assessed to determine if the application requires a Cultural Heritage Management Plan (CHMP) under the Aboriginal Heritage Act 2007. A CHMP is a written report prepared by a Heritage Advisor which contains the results of an assessment of the potential impact of a proposed activity or works on Aboriginal cultural heritage.
A CHMP is required for an activity if:
- all or part of the activity is in an area of cultural heritage sensitivity. A waterway or land within 200m of a waterway may be considered an area of cultural heritage sensitivity; and
- all or part of the activity is a high impact activity.
If the proposed activity is not an exempt activity then an applicant must provide clear documented proof that they meet the exemptions from the requirement to prepare a CHMP, as specified in the Act and Regulations.
A CHMP may be required prior to commencing any works.
In circumstances where a CHMP is required, GMW cannot grant an application without an approved CHMP. Therefore, it is important an applicant is aware of their obligations under the Act and its Regulations.
A CHMP may NOT be required for an activity if:
- The site is not in an area of Cultural Heritage Sensitivity:
Check if the site of your works is subject to a CHMP - Cultural Heritage Sensitivity map (opens in a new window)
- Site has been subject to significant ground disturbance:
Evidence must be provided why the site is already subject to significant ground disturbance. Significant ground disturbance means disturbance of:
(a) the topsoil or surface rock layer of the ground; or
(b) a waterway— by machinery in the course of grading, excavating, digging, dredging or deep ripping, but does not include ploughing other than deep ripping.
(a) fences or freestanding walls;
(b) temporary seating structures, stages or platforms.
- Demolition or Removal of Works:
The demolition or removal of a building is an exempt activity.
You can access the Aboriginal Heritage Planning Tool on the Victorian government website (opens in a new window) and print a receipt of your results for inclusion in your application. If you do not have access to the internet, please contact the Licensing Unit for assistance.