Rationing Irrigation Water Supply

The 2024/25 irrigation season has seen exceptionally high demand, driven by strong water availability combined with a very dry winter and spring and the recent hot dry conditions. As a result, the season is shaping up to be one of the busiest in GMW’s history in terms of water orders and deliveries.

During these peak periods, channels often operate at or near full capacity. To manage this, particularly in the Murray Valley district (5 main channel - MV.569 to MV.799, and 7/2 channel - MV.324 to MV.342) and Loddon Valley district, GMW may implement scheduling measures to fit irrigation orders within the system’s limits in the form of rationing.

We’re asking you to:

Plan ahead for your water needs

The more notice you provide for irrigation orders, the greater the chance you have to secure the requested delivery time. Orders can be placed up to a maximum of 10 days in advance. Please continue placing orders using WaterLINE over the phone, online or by accessing the GMW app.

Consider your delivery share options

If you have a service point that you’re not intending to use this year, you may like to consider moving the associated delivery share to another service point (subject to conditions). Please note that any changes need to occur before a rationing cycle is announced. See below for more information on delivery share options and conditions.

Be prepared for the potential for high demand and possible rationing

If demand for water does not exceed our channel delivery capacity, there will be no change to water order scheduling. However, if the demand reaches the channel capacity for an extended period, there may be a need to ration the available capacity. Rationing fairly shares the available capacity within the system in line with delivery share at the customer service point.

Plan early and consider how high demand for water may impact your irrigation plans and the actions you may be able to take to manage any potential impact.

Please talk to us

We’re here to help and continue to provide a high level of service. Please reach out to us if you have any questions by phoning the GMW Contact Centre on 1800 013 357 or book an appointment with a local representative via our online booking system. 

Vary delivery share rate between service points on the same delivery share (DSE)

  • Form required: Form 35 – Application to vary a delivery share
  • Cost: $255.00
  • Approval requirements: Subject to a Channel Capacity Assessment
  • Processing time: GMW aims to process applications within 10 business days
  • Please note: If customers wish to reverse the variation, they will need to reapply by completing another Form 35 – Application to vary a delivery share and repeat the above process.

Transferring delivery rate between delivery shares (DSE)

  • Form required: Form 36 – Application to permanently transfer delivery share
  • Cost: $255.00
  • Approval requirements: Subject to a Channel Capacity Assessment and mortgagee consent may be required if a mortgage exists on the land associated with the delivery share that is being reduced
  • Processing time: GMW aims to process applications within 10 business days
  • Eligibility: The delivery shares must be within the same delivery system (e.g.  Murray Valley to Murray Valley) subject to the delivery share trading rules.
  • Please note: If customers wish to reverse the transfer, they will need to reapply by completing another Form 36 – Application to permanently transfer delivery share and repeat the above process.
Please note:
  • Changes to a DSE are subject to a Channel Capacity Assessment
  • Any changes to a DSE are permanent. Reversing the change will require a new application.
  • Approval is not guaranteed – other customers could take up the capacity, making it impossible to move the DSE back
  • Changes must be completed before the announcement of a rationing cycle
    • Customers are asked to keep in mind the above application processing times

For more information, please see Delivery Share Trading Rules or contact a member of the GMW Contact Centre on 1800 013 357.

You can find your delivery share on WaterLINE, on your ABA Water Usage Statement, or by calling GMW on 1800 013 357.

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What is rationing?

Rationing is the sharing of available channel capacity when demand exceeds channel capacity.

How will it affect me?

Your ordered volume or the time you requested your order may be altered to a reduced volume or reduced duration in accordance with the amount of delivery share you hold and the duration of the ration cycle.

Why do I need to be rationed?

It is only physically possible to have so much water in our channels. When large amounts of water are ordered, our channels reach capacity, and subsequent changes must be made.

In instances where demand exceeds capacity for only a short period, we will schedule irrigation orders - linking start orders with finish orders. This means customers will need to be flexible with start dates and times to fit in with available capacity.

In isolated locations, where demand exceeds capacity for an extended period, we will use a rationing cycle. This ensures all customers receive a fair supply as we manage congestion.

How is rationing cycle determined?

The rationing cycle will be guided by a formula. The formula has two variable inputs:

  • the number of days in the cycle
  • the % of delivery share.

For example, a 10-day rationing cycle at 100% delivery share rate will allow customers to receive 100 per cent of their delivery share every 10 days. In this example, a customer with 1ML/day delivery share will be able to access 10ML in every 10-day cycle.

This formula is applied to the delivery shares for each service point.

How long will it last?

The duration is influenced by demand. As soon as demand drops below the physical capacity of the channel, rationing will be removed.

Does it cost me anything?

No, there will not be any additional costs charged to your GMW account.

Does it affect domestic and stock supply?

Rationing does not affect domestic and stock supply.

What if I ignore the rationing and take what I intended to order?

Operating outside the rationing criteria will impact the service to other customers and will therefore be investigated by GMW’s Compliance Officers and may lead to prosecution.

I pay more for water, why don’t I get priority treatment?

Access during rationing events is based on delivery share held by the customer at each service point. The larger the delivery share, the greater the volume that can be accessed during a rationing cycle.

Will I be notified when changes to the rationing arrangements are made?

Yes, messages will be updated on WaterLINE whenever changes are made to the rationing arrangements. You may also be contacted by a Water Systems Operator about your order.

Who should customers contact?

Customers are encouraged to plan ahead and place orders via GMW's water ordering system, WaterLINE. Find out more about WaterLINE on GMW's website or contact one of our Water Systems Operators on 1300 469 469.

Please reach out to us if you have any questions by phoning the GMW Contact Centre on 1800 013 357 or book an appointment with a local representative via our online booking system.