Yarrawonga Weir

MDBA Asset

Water Storage Levels

Last Updated 18/09/2024
Current Volume 115201
% of Capacity 98.04
Capacity (ML) 117500
May Jun Jul Aug Sep

Recreational Facilities

Large Grassed Area Car Parking Boat Ramp Fishing Camping Playground Equipment BBQ - Woodfired Toilets

Facts & Figures

Name Yarrawonga Weir
Stream River Murray
Year of Completion 1939
Construction Earthfill
Full Supply Level 124.895 m AHD
Capacity 117,500 ML
Area Submerged 4,390 ha
Main Embankment Length 343 m
Main Embankment Height 7 m
Hydro-electric Generation 9.6 MW

Closure of the Yarrawonga Weir Bridge to public vehicle traffic

The Yarrawonga Weir Bridge is permanently closed to public vehicle traffic.

The Murray–Darling Basin Authority (MDBA), Transport for NSW and Regional Roads Victoria have confirmed the Yarrawonga Weir is closed to traffic to ensure the ongoing safety and structural integrity of weir.

About Yarrawonga Weir

Yarrawonga Weir Upstream
Yarrawonga Weir Upstream

Goulburn-Murray Water operates Yarrawonga Weir on behalf of the MDBA , opens in a new window . It is the largest of the 16 weirs managed by the MDBA.


Yarrawonga Weir is located on the Murray River near the towns of Yarrawonga in Victoria and Mulwala in NSW. The Weir is approximately 230 km downstream of Lake Hume and 1,992 km from the Murray mouth.


Construction of the weir and its offtakes began early in 1935 and was completed in 1939. The water impounded by the Yarrawonga Weir forms Lake Mulwala, which has a capacity of 117,500 ML.

A hydro-electric generation facility at Yarrawonga Weir was commissioned in June 1994. The facility has a maximum capacity of about 9.6 MW.


Yarrawonga Weir raises the water level of the River Murray to allow diversions of water under gravity. An average of 1,900 GL or 17% of the river's annual flow is diverted annually to the Yarrawonga Main Channel and the Mulwala Canal.

The Yarrawonga Main Channel services the Murray Valley Irrigation Area of Victoria, which extends from Yarrawonga to Barmah and south to the Broken and Nine Mile Creek systems. The channel has a discharge capacity of 3,100 ML/d and distributes water to an area of 128,000 ha via a network of six main channels and 261 spur channels.

The Mulwala Canal is a much larger structure and has an offtake capacity of 10,000 ML/d. Water diverted through the Mulwala Canal supplies the Berriquin, Denimein, Deniboota and Wakool irrigation districts in southern New South Wales. The total annual water allocation to these districts exceeds 1,000,000 ML over an area of 700,000 ha.

A unique feature at Yarrawonga Weir is the fish lift located adjacent to the power station. Constructed in 1994, the lift provided the first opportunity in 60 years for fish to travel upstream of the weir.


For more information on jetties please visit our Foreshore Occupation Licences page.

Further Information


Lake Mulwala Boating & Facilities Map

Lake Mulwala Map, link opens in a new window  

Recreation and Tourism at Yarrawonga Weir

Facilities Available

Large Grassed Area Large Grassed Area
Car Parking Car Parking
Boat Ramp Boat Ramp
Playground Equipment Playground Equipment
Fishing Fishing
Camping Camping
BBQ - Woodfired BBQ - Woodfired
Toilets Toilets
Please observe all signs and directions around our storages for information on recreational activities. Refer to the Land and On-Water Management Plan (if provided above) for detailed information on the facilities available.

Further Information

For further information please visit the Lake Mulwala website at www.lakemulwala.org.au

Boat ramp operating levels

This table shows at what level boat ramps at Yarrawonga Weir can be used. The percentage indicates the lowest the storage can get before the ramp becomes unusable.
Boat ramp Operational when storage is above
Yarrawonga Foreshore - Bank Street 73%
River Road - yacht club Access available to Murray River at all times
Woodland Park - Hogans Road 69%
Woodlands - Fenwick Place 89%
Woodlands - Campbellfield Drive 89%
Major's Creek Road 85%
Bundalong - The Junction Ramp 78%
Bundalong - Pyke Street Ramp 1 76%
Bundalong - Pyke Street Ramp 2 80%