Business associate - An individual or body that the public sector organisation has, or plans to establish, some form of business relationship with, or who may seek commercial or other advantage by offering gifts, benefits or hospitality.
Benefits - Benefits include preferential treatment, privileged access, favours or other advantage offered to an individual. They may include invitations to sporting, cultural or social events, access to discounts and loyalty programs and promises of a new job. The value of benefits may be difficult to define in dollars, but as they are valued by the individual, they may be used to influence the individual’s behaviour.
Ceremonial gifts - Ceremonial gifts are official gifts provided as part of the culture and practices of communities and government, within Australia or internationally. Ceremonial gifts are usually provided when conducting business with official delegates or representatives from another organisation, community or foreign government. Ceremonial gifts are the property of the public sector organisation, irrespective of value, and should be accepted by individuals on behalf of the public sector organisation. The receipt of ceremonial gifts should be recorded on the register but does not need to be published online.
Conflict of interest - Conflicts may be:
- Actual: There is a real conflict between an employee’s public duties and private interests.
- Potential: An employee has private interests that could conflict with their public duties. This refers to circumstances where it is foreseeable that a conflict may arise in future and steps should be taken now to mitigate that future risk.
- Perceived: The public or a third party could reasonably form the view that an employee’s private interests could improperly influence their decisions or actions, now or in the future.
Gifts - Gifts are free or discounted items or services and any item or service that would generally be seen by the public as a gift. These include items of high value (e.g. artwork, jewelry, or expensive pens), low value (e.g. small bunch of flowers), consumables (e.g. chocolates) and services (e.g. painting and repairs). Fundraising by public sector organisations that is consistent with relevant legislation and any government policy is not prohibited under the minimum accountabilities.
GMW Staff - Includes all of the persons specified in the Scope section above e.g. includes directors and contractors
Hospitality - Hospitality is the friendly reception and entertainment of guests. Hospitality may range from light refreshments at a business meeting to expensive restaurant meals and sponsored travel and accommodation.
Integrity Register - Is GMW’s digital record of all declarable gifts, benefits and hospitality available to staff via Applications.
Legitimate business benefit - A gift, benefit or hospitality may have a legitimate business benefit if it furthers the conduct of official business or other legitimate goals of the public sector organisation, the public sector or the State.
Public official - Public official has the same meaning as section 4 of the Public Administration Act 2004 and includes, public sector employees, statutory office holders and directors of public entities.
Public register - A public register is a digital record of a subset of information contained in the GMW Integrity Register, for publication as required by the GMW Gifts, Benefits and Hospitality Procedure. Guidance regarding the information that should be published is provided in the Victorian Public Sector Commission Policy Guide.
Token offer - A token offer is a gift, benefit or hospitality that is of inconsequential or trivial value to both the person making the offer and the recipient (such as basic courtesy). At GMW token offers cannot be worth more than $50. Token offers should be recorded in the GMW Integrity Register.
Non-token offer - A non-token offer is a gift, benefit or hospitality that is, or may be perceived to be by the recipient, the person making the offer or by the wider community, of more than inconsequential value. All offers worth more than $50 are non-token offers and must be recorded in the GMW Integrity Register.
Victorian Public Sector Organisations – The Victorian public sector comprises of two key areas; public service bodies, such as government departments and administrative offices, and public entities, such as hospitals, TAFEs and water authorities.