We are Australia’s largest rural water corporation and manage Australia’s largest irrigation delivery network. The irrigated agriculture sector in northern Victoria alone generates more than $1 billion of production value annually and directly supports greater than 10,000 jobs in the Goulburn-Murray Irrigation District (GMID).
We manage 23 water storages that can hold approximately 11 million ML of water and also have responsibility for managing more than 100,000 hectares of public land surrounding our storages. GMW is a vital part of life in northern Victoria. Our role in delivering reliable, affordable water and providing other water-based services drives a regional economy underpinning our collective prosperity and enhancing the wellbeing of our communities.
These communities are in transition. Changes in climate, global trade, economics, government policy, land use and social values are driving major changes in how our region functions. This requires GMW to also change to meet the expectations of our customers and stakeholders in continuing to provide appropriate, affordable and reliable services.