The Goulburn River is the largest Victorian tributary of the River Murray. There are two major water regulation structures on the river at Lake Eildon and Goulburn Weir. The lower section of the Goulburn River is located from Goulburn Weir to the River Murray
The Enhancing the Operations of the Lower Goulburn River Project will investigate the re-location of private pump infrastructure from within the river channel.
GMW currently operates the lower Goulburn River to a maximum flow rate of 3000 ML/day in summer and autumn months.
Relocating in-channel pumps in the lower Goulburn to the top of the bank will enable changes to operation rules to incorporate pulse flows of up to 6000 ML per day over summer and autumn and improve operational flexibility for delivering inter-valley trade over that period. It will also provide greater flexibility for environmental water holders to deliver water at shorter notice.
Frequently asked questions
What is the Goulburn to Murray Trade review?
The Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP) is currently reviewing the arrangements for Goulburn to Murray trade. This includes the intervalley trade rule and operating rule for the lower Goulburn River.
The review has been prioritised due to increasing volumes of annual trade and larger volumes of unseasonal water delivery in summer and autumn causing environmental damage in recent years.
Has there been any community consultation on the Goulburn to Murray Trade Review?
Public consultations held during 2020 and 2021 informed important improvements to interim Goulburn to Murray trade and operating rules announced in July 2021.
Further scientific assessment and monitoring is being undertaken in 2022 in response to community feedback received during consultations.
More information on the Goulburn to Murray trade rule review including a consultation timeline, and link to the Closing the Loop consultation report, can be found on the Engage Victoria website.
How can I find out more about the Goulburn to Murray Trade Review?
DELWP continue to consult with the community and key stakeholders as part of the Goulburn to Murray Trade review.
More information on the Goulburn to Murray Trade Review including background to the review can be found on the Engage Victoria website at: Engage Victoria website.
Further questions on the Goulburn Murray Trade Review should be directed to DELWP at
What are interim intervalley transfer operating rules?
The interim intervalley transfer operating rules guide how water can be transferred to downstream users while avoiding further damage and improving river health.
What flows are expected under interim intervalley transfer operating rules?
The maximum high flow scenario under the interim intervalley transfer operating rules is 6,000 megalitres per day, which will be delivered as a short-term pulse up to three times a year. A short-term pulse would peak for about three days but would build up and down over approximately two weeks.
When will the community be informed of the outcomes of the review?
DELWP are planning to report back to the community on the draft outcomes of the trade review by mid-2022.
What is the purpose of the current study?
This study is seeking to understand the costs of relocating private infrastructure from within the Lower Goulburn River channel. This involves confirming which existing pumps infrastructure may be impacted by the upper flow scenario (up to 6,000 megalitres per day) under the interim intervalley transfer operating rules.
Will all customers be contacted prior to the on-site visual investigation?
GMW customers within the study area will be sent a letter prior to the visual inspection.
Diversion customers who own infrastructure which is potentially impacted by flows of up to 6,000ML/day will be sent a letter informing them of the project and outlining the expected date range in which our team will be on site. Diversion customers who own potentially impacted infrastructure will also receive a text message from GMW prior to arrival on site where customer contact details are available.
Diversion customers whose infrastructure is not thought to be impacted will be sent a letter informing them of the project. The letter will invite customers to contact us if they identify any infrastructure they believe should be inspected as part of the project.
Do I need to be present for the visual inspection?
Diversion customers are encouraged to join us on our visual inspection and will be contacted prior to our team’s arrival on site.
Will GMW be attending the visual inspection?
Study team members will be accompanied by a GMW officer at all times on site.
Will the study recommend changes to my pumping infrastructure?
No recommendations would be made in respect to individual pumps or infrastructure. This review will seek to understand the potential impact and costs of mitigation across the whole study area.
What will happen with the information collected during the visual inspections?
Following the visual inspections, GMW, supported by Jacobs and RMCG will produce a report for DEWLP describing the potential cost of relocating private infrastructure in the Lower Goulburn River channel.
This project will not make recommendations about specific pumps or infrastructure, instead the outputs would be used to inform future government decisions on the Goulburn to Murray Trade Review.
Will I be consulted about the future decisions on the Goulburn Murray Trade Review?
DELWP will continue to engage with customers through the broader Goulburn Murray Trade Review.
More information on the Goulburn to Murray Trade Review can be found on the Engage Victoria website.