Account - Update your details

To help us contact you quickly and cost effectively in case of an incident, service interruption or when you need to know important information, it’s critical we have your current mobile number and email address.

Update your details
Your Details

If there is more than one person listed under this account number, each person will need to complete this form if they would like to provide their email address and mobile number.

If you are a business or syndicate, please provide the first name and last name of the primary contact with your business or trading name in brackets, for example John Citizen (Citizen Holdings Pty Ltd).

This can be found on your Goulburn-Murray Water account.
Are you providing a new email address or mobile phone number? This is a required field.
Are you providing a new email address or mobile phone number? This is a required field.
Postal address
Preferred Contact Method This is a required field.
Preferred Contact Method This is a required field.
Collection Notice This is a required field.

Goulburn-Murray Water protects your privacy by collecting and handling your personal information in accordance with the requirements of the Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014 (Vic).

We may collect personal information, where you choose to provide it to us, for the purposes of contacting you during critical incidents, service interruptions, updating our records, providing you with important information or updates or otherwise engaging with you. If you do not provide us with your personal information, we may not be able to do these things.

Information collected is usually disclosed to customer support officers, marketing and communications staff and other relevant GMW staff. You may gain access to and correct your personal information under the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (Vic).

For further information, please refer to our Privacy Policy at

Collection Notice This is a required field.

Protecting your privacy

Goulburn-Murray Water (GMW) protects your privacy by collecting and handling your personal information in accordance with the requirements of the Privacy & Data Protection Act 2014. Your personal information is collected on this form and will be used for the purpose of administering this application, updating our records and updating the Victorian Water Register (if applicable). Information collected is usually disclosed to staff involved in processing your application, contractors, connection staff, other relevant GMW staff and government departments. Failure to provide the information sought may result in processing delays or non acceptance of your application. It may also limit our ability to be able to provide various programs or services. You may gain access to and correct your personal information. For further information please refer to our Privacy Policy at or call 1800 013 357 to obtain a copy of this policy.