Other customers include diverters, people who pump from waterways, and urban water authorities and environmental water holders who have bulk entitlements.

GMW works closely with the region’s Traditional Owner Groups to consider management options for significant sites such as Greens Lake and Ghow Swamp.

Gravity irrigators

Gravity irrigation customers are some of the main users of water in the Goulburn Murray Irrigation District. Their enterprises include dairy, horticulture and cropping.

Water is delivered to our gravity irrigation customers via our irrigation channel delivery network – the largest in Australia.

Find out more about these customers at our Gravity Irrigation Customers page.

Surface water diverters

Regulated diverters

Regulated diverters are customers who use the natural system of creeks and rivers within the Goulburn Murray area that are controlled or ‘regulated’ from GMW or MDBA water storages, enabling water to be released when it is required.

Unregulated diverters

Unregulated diverters are customers who use water from creeks and rivers where flows are not controlled by releases from GMW or MDBA water storages.

Find out more about these customers at our Diversions Customers page.

Groundwater diverters

Groundwater customers draw their water from aquifers that are found beneath the earth's surface in pores and crevices of sand and rocks.

Groundwater supports a significant amount of agricultural activity, commercial operations, provides urban supplies, and is an essential source of water for domestic and stock supply.

Find out more about these customers at our Groundwater Customers page.

Domestic and stock customers

GMW’s domestic and stock customers require water for domestic use (such as watering lawns or crops, or water for stock) and kitchen-garden watering. Any food grown under domestic use must be for personal consumption and not commercial sale.

Domestic and stock customers are made up of small-use customers, as well as customers who are also irrigators on larger properties.

Find out more about these customers at our Domestic and Stock Customers page.

Pumped irrigation customers

In the western part of the GMID, from Lake Boga to Nyah, there are three individual pumped irrigation districts – Nyah, Tresco and Woorinen.

GMW provides pumped irrigation and drainage services to customers in these regions.

The history of this region is rich in agriculture through irrigated horticulture and dryland farming. Large-scale horticultural industry has flourished in these regions through the irrigated piped system.

Find out more about these customers at our Pumped irrigation Customers page.

Non-water users

Flood protection

These customers require flood protection and flood minimisation of their properties. In low-flood periods, Loch Garry prevents water diverting onto these customers’ properties.

When the height of the Goulburn River at Shepparton is predicted to exceed 10.36m (which triggers the removal of the gates at Loch Garry) our flood protection customers are advised that the gates may be removed and to take appropriate action to protect stock.

Land & on Water Leasing and Licensing customers

GMW has individual commercial contracts with these customers (they include caravan parks, graziers, houseboat owners, private jetty infrastructure owners, the Lake Eildon Houseboat Industry Association, telecommunications and forestry companies, for example). Commercial and business representatives are recognised within GMW’s Land & on Water Stakeholder Engagement Framework.

Other customers

Environmental watering customers

GMW harvests, stores and delivers water for the Commonwealth Environmental Water Holder (CEWH) and the Victorian Environmental Water Holder (VEWH). Water for the environment is managed to maintain the health of rivers and wetlands in our region to the benefit of the environment.

Urban water supply

GMW also harvests, stores and delivers water for urban and rural water supply corporations. Urban water supply corporations in turn treat the water supplied by GMW to become drinking water for their towns. Urban water supply customers include Goulburn Valley Water, North East Water, Coliban Water, Central Highlands Water, Lower Murray Water and Grampians Wimmera Mallee Water.

About your account

Many of our customers receive bills throughout the year.

We have a dedicated About my account page where you will find information about your GMW account. Here you can read details on how to read your account, fee descriptions and charges and more.

For further information, you can also visit our Pricing page.