Things to do
Lake Eppalock is home to Redfin, Golden Perch, Murray Cod and Trout. Red Fin can be found in the Derrinal & Kimbolton pools north of the lake. The mouths of the Coliban & Campaspe Rivers is the place to fish for Murray Cod and Golden Perch.
For the latest information on fishing in Victoria, contact Fisheries Victoria on 136 186, and don’t forget your Recreational Fishing Licence!
Camping at Lake Eppalock is only allowed in commercial four caravan parks located around the lake (see map).
In addition to the parks there are plenty of B&Bs and holiday houses available year round. For more information see the Bendigo Tourism website.
A 5 knot speed limit applies at any level within 50 metres of the water's edge; other vessels, navigation aids, swimmers and fixed or floating structures; and within 100 metres of vessels displaying a dive flag.
Keep a lookout at all times for hazards and other vessels.
Refer to the Victorian Recreational Boating Safety Handbook at the transport Victoria website.
Water levels
GMW's customers use the water in our storages to produce food and fibre, supply towns and businesses, and protect and improve waterway health.
Visitors need to be conscious of potential hazards and consider their own safety and the safety of other users at all times. Water levels (high or low) can prompt increased safety measures, and changes to access for recreational areas and boating.
Safety information and alerts will be signposted at public areas and boat ramps.
Find out more about current water level information.
Blue-Green algae
At times, the level of blue-green algae in storages can exceed safe limits. When this happens you should avoid direct contact with the water as the algae can cause;
- skin rashes
- itchiness
- sore eyes, ears and nose
- nausea.
If unsafe levels occur, warning signs will be positioned at major recreational areas.
Online Blue-green algae warnings are available or by calling the 24 hour GMW blue-green algae hotline on (03) 5826 3785.
About Lake Eppalock
Lake Eppalock is in the heart of central Victoria's goldfields, just a 20 minute drive from heathcote, 30 minutes from Bendigo and 90 minutes from Melbourne.
Built in 1964 to supply water for irrigation, the lake has become one of the most popular recreational inland waterways in Victoria and is an ideal location for waterskiing, fishing, boating and swimming.
Today the lake supplies irrigation, environmental and stock and domestic water to entitlement holders as far north as Echuca as well as supplying urban supplies to Bendigo, Heathcote and other central Victorian towns.
It is also home to 34 recreational clubs, and four caravan parks.
Lake Eppalock is one of 23 lakes, storages and weirs managed by GMW to capture, store and deliver 70% of Victoria's stored water across a region about the same size as Tasmania
Free to visit, Lake Eppalock has facilities to suit every visitor, including four caravan parks, picnic areas with electric barbecues and public toilets, and four public boat ramps.
GMW’s lakes, dams and reservoirs are ideal places for events. Find out more about hosting an event at one of our storages.
Caring for Lake Eppalock
Lake Eppalock is a beautiful natural resource. You can help care for the lake so it can be enjoyed now and into the future.
- camping and campfires are prohibited in GMW reserves and on foreshore and lakebed areas
- electric barbecues are available at some reserves (see map below)
- refer to your local council for landfill services and consider the environment when disposing of your litter. Penalties apply for illegal dumping of rubbish
- don’t take plants from the foreshore, or bring any in
- don’t feed the animals or wildlife, or interfere with their habitats
- boat wash can cause erosion, keep to 5 knots within 50 metres of the water’s edge
- vehicles and trail bikes are only allowed on public roads within the reserve
- all vehicles and trail bikes must be registered and users must be licenced
- keep the waterway healthy by not using soap, toothpaste or detergent in the lake
- dogs must be on a lead and/or under control at all times and aren’t allowed in the lake. Please clean up after your pets.
Review GMW’s recreational by-law
Staying safe
Local boating rules are posted at all public boat ramps.
- Launching and retrieving vessels must occur from the designated boat ramp/s.
- To avoid congestion, complete any preparation prior to launching, or when returning from the water, away from the ramp.
- Parking is only permitted in designated areas.
- Ensure all safety equipment is on the vessel and operational, and that lifejackets are always worn.
- Be aware and comply with all waterway vessel operating zones.
- Always keep a lookout for waterway hazards and operate your vessel in line with weather and waterway conditions.
- Ensure no one is in or on the vessel when moving to and from the ramp.
- Shade structures are not permitted within 50 metres of either side of boat ramps.
- Stay clear of dam infrastructure.
Facilities Map

Please Remember
- No camping or fires allowed on GMW foreshore land.
- Confine vehicles and motor bikes to formed public roads.
- Take your rubbish home.