Works on toilet blocks at Eildon, Eppalock and Greens Lake

Wednesday 24 July, 2019

Works are underway to replace failing toilet blocks at Jerusalem Creek (Lake Eildon), Randells Cove (Lake Eppalock) and Greens Lake.

These projects are externally funded under DELWP’s Boosting Recreational Water Use Initiative and the Department of Premier and Cabinet Pick my Project funding, with support from the Connections Project.

Victorian Fisheries Authority have also contributed towards the Jerusalem Creek Toilet Block, along with DELWP. Recreational users may experience minor disruption to services, however portable toilets will be made available during demolition and construction. 

These assets are important to recreational users, and GMW acknowledges the funding support of the State Government.

Timeframes for works are as follows:

  • Jerusalem Creek (mid July - concluding late July 2019)
  • Randells Cove (late July - concluding early August 2019)
  • Greens Lake (mid August - concluding late August 2019)