Managing water levels at Lake Eppalock

Thursday 19 September, 2024

Lake Eppalock’s current state

Lake Eppalock is currently at 86 per cent as of 11am, 29 September 2024.

Releases are currently at 310 ML per day to meet the minimum passing flows and deliver water from the inter-valley trade account to the Murray system.

Releases are expected to remain around this rate until mid September before increasing to meet an environmental order. 

Current inflows to the storage are about 35 ML per day.

A graph showing the level of Lake Eppalock as well as the historical inflows and outflows at the storage. The storage level is shown by the light blue line. Inflows are shown by the orange line and outflows by the grey line. The dark blue line shows Lake Eppalock's full supply level.

Updates to daily release plans can be found under the Lake Eildon drop down on the Managing Water Storages webpage

How the storage level is managed at Lake Eppalock

The spillway at Lake Eppalock is a fixed crest spillway, which means GMW is unable to release more water than the capacity of the outlet valve, which is 1,600 ML/d.

Releases are made through the outlet valve to meet water orders from entitlement holders, and to pre-release in advance of predicted rainfall that would result in the dam spilling.

During spill events, downstream flows are governed by how high the storage level exceeds the full supply level.

While GMW storages are not specifically for flood mitigation, Lake Eppalock does mitigate downstream flows by storing water above the full supply level and water passing over the spillway.

GMW’s responsibilities

The requirements for GMW to manage its storages are set out in the Victorian Water Act.

The Act advises that the primary role of GMW storages is to harvest and store customers' water entitlements. However, GMW can provide flood mitigation benefits at some storages, including Lake Eppalock, where possible.

If downstream flows approach flood thresholds. GMW will work closely with the State Emergency Services (SES) and Bureau of Meteorology to ensure timely dissemination of information to the community.

The SES is the lead agency responsible for issuing flood advice should it occur.

Lake Eppalock Assessment

The Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action is leading an assessment into the infrastructure and operating arrangements at Lake Eppalock.

More information on the assessment can be found on DEECA's website.

Webinar: Managing Lake Eppalock

Goulburn-Murray Water held a webinar on Thursday 6 July 2023 to share information about how Lake Eppalock is managed and the role the storage plays during times of flood.

View the recording, presentation and Q&A on our Webinar: Managing Lake Eppalock webpage.

More Information

For more information visit or phone GMW on 1800 013 357.