Irrigators are encouraged to begin making preparations to ensure their water needs are met for the irrigation off-season.
The 2023/24 irrigation season ends on 15 May 2024, with water deliveries ceasing until the new season begins on 15 August 2024.
Goulburn-Murray Water (GMW) Water Delivery Services general manager Warren Blyth said it was crucial irrigators planned for the off-season.
“Works such as weed treatment, desilting, and refurbishing channel banks are essential to the performance of our delivery system, however, these works can only be effectively completed when channels are dewatered,” he said.
“Channels can be lowered at any time during the three-month off-season. Irrigators who still need water during this period should make alternate arrangements to secure water, such as filling their tanks and dams.”
The last day to submit water orders to ensure delivery is Friday 10 May 2024.
“Most irrigators are familiar with the dates for the start and end of the irrigation season, but we often need to dewater different parts of our channel network from year to year,” Mr Blyth said.
“It is therefore important irrigators do not assume they will have access to water for domestic and stock or irrigation purposes simply because that has been the case in previous irrigation off-seasons.”
Customers are also advised to be aware of any blue-green algae alerts in their area, particularly if they are planning to fill on-farm channels.
People can see where blue-green algae warnings are in place by visiting the GMW website:
The 2024/25 irrigation season will begin on Thursday 15 August 2024, with customers able to place their first orders from Monday 12 August 2024.
For more information, people can phone the GMW Customer Experience Team on 1800 013 357 and they will connect them to their local Customer Service Management team.
More information on where works will be taking place across GMW’s delivery system during the winter period will be available on GMW’s website in the coming weeks.