Goulburn-Murray Water (GMW) is taking an innovative approach to rehabilitation works on the Torrumbarry No.3 Channel (TO 3) at Cohuna.
TO 3 is a crucial part of GMW’s delivery network, providing water for irrigators from Cohuna to Koondrook.
GMW’s annual channel maintenance program identified the opportunity to improve the flow capacity and longevity of the channel.
GMW Project Manager Ben Ross said the works were being carried out to minimise the impact on native vegetation.
“There are several large trees alongside the channel that prevent workers from maintaining the channel, and there have subsequently been some issues with erosion, aquatic weeds, and silt build-up,” he said.
“Some of the trees were also in a state where uprooting could occur and potentially cause safety issues for the locals who use the pathways near the channel.
“By undertaking the project during the irrigation off-season, we can dewater the channel and complete the project from within the channel.
“This will significantly reduce the impact on the vegetation surrounding the channel banks.”
The rehabilitation works will include lining the channel’s banks with rock armouring for erosion protection, desilting the channel, and treating the aquatic weeds within it.
During GMW’s 2023 Winter Works program, the site was inspected by an arborist who identified which trees should be removed to improve safety and channel accessibility, while also having minimal environmental or aesthetic impact.
An arborist and other specialists have been engaged to ensure GMW meets its regulatory obligations, including a Native Vegetation Assessment.
The rehabilitation of the channel banks is also expected to support the health of the native vegetation in the area, as it will prevent tree roots being exposed by erosion of the channel banks.
“We have worked closely with Gannawarra Shire Council to ensure the project has considered all stakeholder groups, from irrigators to the Cohuna community, and the different groups that use the walking paths along the channel, such as Cohuna parkrun,” Mr Ross said.
“The project will ensure the channel and its surrounds will be in optimum condition for a long time to come.”
Access to the shared pathway will be closed during the works for approximately eight weeks depending on weather conditions. However, access to the recreation reserve will be maintained throughout the works.
Works will commence soon after the end of the 2023/24 irrigation season in mid-May.
GMW will be hosting drop-in sessions for people wishing to learn more on the following times and dates:
- 12pm-2pm & 4pm-6pm, Monday 6 May and Tuesday 7 May at Cohuna Neighbourhood House - 29 Market St, Cohuna
More information is also available on the GMW website: www.g-mwater.com.au/news-updates/notices/upcoming-works-in-cohuna.html