Irrigators' Share Distribution Calculator

Financial Rebate Calculator

Eligible delivery share holders who held less than 0.25ML/day of delivery share and syndicates in the Goulburn and Murray systems at census date (1 October 2021) are due to receive their financial benefit from the irrigators’ share distribution as a credit on their July fixed charges bill. To check how much your financial rebate will be, please insert into the calculator your delivery share amount in ML/day, and the category that your delivery shares fit into.

For syndicates that held more than 0.25 ML/Day of delivery share at census date, the calculation for their rebate is from either the Goulburn system sales revenue or the Murray system sales revenue according to which system the syndicate holds delivery share in. The difference in benefit received per delivery share is due to the variation in the prices achieved in the water sales between the two systems. Syndicates with less than 0.25ML/Day of delivery share will receive a rebate calculated on the below 0.25 ML/Day rate.

Please note, your financial rebate will be rounded to the nearest cent to determine the final value that you will receive. This rounding occurs after the financial rebate per ML/day of delivery share has been multiplied by your individual delivery share rate.

  Goulburn System Syndicates Murray System Syndicates Delivery Shares Below 0.25 ML/Day*
It was confirmed that eligible delivery share holders will receive:
Dollars per 1 ML/day of delivery share




*Based on eligible Delivery Shares on census date of 1 October 2021.

NOTE: For those customers that held a delivery share of more than 0.25 ML/day at census date (1 October 2021), received a water share benefits in October 2021.

Financial Rebate Calculator

Water Share Benefit Calculator

To check how many water shares you will receive, please insert into the calculator your delivery share amount in ML/day, and the system where you hold your delivery shares.

Please note, water shares can only be recorded to one decimal place within the Victorian Water Register and therefore conventional rounding is used to determine the final volume of water shares that you will receive. This rounding occurs after the water shares per ML/day of delivery share has been multiplied by your individual delivery share rate.

  Volume to be issued per 1 ML/day of delivery share
  Goulburn System Murray System
At census date (1 October 2021) it was confirmed that eligible delivery share holders will receive:
High Reliability Water Share/s

4.00 ML

3.97 ML

Low Reliability Water Share/s

2.21 ML

2.37 ML

NOTE: For those customers below the minimum delivery share threshold of less than 0.25 ML/day, financial benefits equivalent to the value of water shares will be distributed in July 2022 as credits on your Goulburn-Murray Water (GMW) fixed charges bills.

Water Share Benefit Calculator