Protecting channel banks from stock

We are reminding our customers to keep stock off irrigation channel banks.

Allowing stock to drink from channels, rather than from a trough, can do significant damage to channel banks. This includes reduction in soil health and water quality, and the loss of in-stream habitats.

If stock damage on channel banks is identified, one of our Field Officers will speak to the landowner to ensure damage does not reoccur.

Any stock damage that occurs after the landowner has been contacted will be repaired by GMW, at the landowner’s expense.

Repairing channel banks can be costly, which can impact on customer prices. All irrigators benefit from our channels being in good condition, and we all play a role in maintaining them.

We ask for your cooperation in this matter and avoid stock drinking directly from channels.

If you have any questions, please phone our Customer Experience Team on 1800 013 357.