Trade from the King River to the lower Ovens River is now possible. The Minister for Water approved changes to the trading rules to allow trade of:
- high-reliability water shares
- spill-reliability water shares
- high-reliability allocation.
These changes will provide greater flexibility and more controlled management of water within the region.
They are the result of a review completed by Goulburn-Murray Water, in conjunction with the Department of Environment and Primary Industries and the North East Catchment Management Authority which commenced in 2011. The review was undertaken following a request from the Ovens and King Surface Water Diversion Catchment Committees and the Northern Region Sustainable Water Strategy’s actions to review and improve trading rules.
This change means that:
- High-reliability and spill-reliability water shares in the King River may be linked (tagged) to a property in the lower Ovens River, allowing water to be used there. However, your use will be restricted if restrictions are in place on either the Ovens or the King. Approval of the water share trade may require an amendment to the conditions on your works licence so that restrictions can be applied when needed.
- Allocation from King River high-reliability water shares can be taken in the lower Ovens River through tagged allocation accounts, which can be set up by Goulburn-Murray Water. These new accounts will allow users to trade and use King allocation in the lower Ovens, while at the same time preventing the movement of King water up the Ovens.
- Spill-reliability allocation cannot be traded like normal allocation but can be given to another person by linking the spill-reliability water share to their allocation account. This can also be done by a limited term transfer of the water share.
- Trade of allocation can occur from the Ovens back into the King system, limited by the previous volume traded out. The available trade opportunity can be found on Victorian Water Register website.
- Trade from the Ovens/King system to the Murray is not allowed.
These new trading rules apply from 1 July 2014.
Need help?
If you have any questions about the changes please contact Goulburn-Murray Water on 1800 013 357.