Safe Drinking Water Regulation 17 – Additional details to be included in annual reports of water storage managers:
a. information about actions taken by the water storage manager in respect of each emergency, incident or event that has arisen that has affected
- the quality of the water supplied for drinking purposes generally; and
- the quality of the water supplied where that supply posed a risk to human health;
b. any issues that may have arisen out of the taking of the actions referred to in paragraph (a).
Section 22 Notifications
There were no incidents that required GMW to report to DH under section 22 of the Act during 2023/24.
Other emergencies, issues or events
The catchments in northern Victorian where water is harvested are open to a wide variety of land- and water-based activities and are not closed to public access or commercial use like some of Melbourne’s water supply catchments. Activities occurring in the catchments include agriculture, aquaculture, mining, forestry, industry, regional cities and towns, transport infrastructure and recreation. The hazardous events are documented and reviewed in the storage and irrigation area risk assessments.
During 2023/24 GMW recorded 9 incidents that had the potential to affect the quality of water delivered to an urban Water Supplier. All these incidents were for high levels of BGA and are described in Table 1. GMW notified the relevant urban Water Supplier in each instance, in addition to regular sharing of laboratory results.
GMW continued to work with urban Water Suppliers and other catchment partners to minimise the impact to water quality from incidents and activities that occur within GMW’s area of operation.
Blue-green algae management
Management of BGA by GMW is a key program that addresses a common risk to the supply of safe water. The Blue-green Algae Circular (the Circular) issued by Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action (DEECA) provides the main guidance for BGA preparedness and response. High levels of BGA regularly occur in waterbodies within GMW’s region and have the potential to affect drinking water supplies.
In accordance with the Circular, GMW is the Local Water Manager for BGA risk management in its storages and water supply network and is also the Regional Coordinator for BGA preparedness and response. Algae in the River Murray is primarily monitored and managed by New South Wales authorities, in partnership with GMW and other Victorian agencies via the Murray Region Algal Coordinating Committee.
GMW continued to engage with a range of stakeholders on BGA management, including hosting the pre-season meeting on 27 November 2023, which is a requirement of the Circular.
In 2023/24, 14 separate BGA warnings were issued by GMW based on recreational guidelines, with 7 of these warnings for water sources also used by urban Water Suppliers (refer Table 1). In addition, BGA warnings at Lake Eildon and Newlyn Reservoir first issued in 2022/23 extended into 2023/24.
A regional BGA warning was issued for the first time in the Broken catchment, affecting the Broken River downstream of Lake Nillahcootie to Shepparton. While there are no town water supply offtakes on the Broken River, there is a town offtake on the Goulburn River less than 2 km downstream of the confluence with the Broken River, so actions were taken to mitigate the risk.
Actions undertaken for each warning included notification to affected urban Water Suppliers, customers and stakeholders via phone, email, SMS or letter; advice to public via signage, media release, website, telephone hotline and social media; and additional surveillance and monitoring.
GMW advised DEECA and DH regularly via the BGA Status Report of all BGA results for GMW managed waterbodies. DH and DEECA were also notified via email when BGA levels exceeded a recreational trigger.
BGA factsheets and information on the current BGA warnings for GMW’s storages and irrigation areas can be found on the BGA Warnings webpage
In addition, the public can access warning information by calling GMW’s BGA Hotline on (03) 5826 3785, contacting GMW directly during business hours on 1800 013 357 or emailing
Table 1 : Blue Green Algae Recreational Warnings issued by GMW in 2023/24 for water sources used by urban Water Suppliers
Basin / System |
Location |
Warning Dates and duration |
Urban Water Supplier Notified |
Goulburn River Basin |
Lake Eildon |
21/04/2023 to 18/07/2023 88 days
Goulburn River Basin |
Lake Eildon |
7/12/2023 to 23/01/2024
47 days |
Goulburn River Basin |
Lake Eildon |
22/04/2024 to 17/07/2024
86 days |
Goulburn River Basin |
Lake Nagambie/ Goulburn Weir – confined to the Turners Lane Backwaters West near Kirwan’s Bridge |
07/02/2024 to 04/04//2024
57 days |
Goulburn River Basin |
Lake Nagambie/ Goulburn Weir – confined to the Turners Lane Backwaters East near Kirwan’s Bridge |
07/02/2024 to 03/07/2024
147 days |
Loddon River Basin |
Newlyn Reservoir |
23/02/2023 to 18/07/2023 145 days
Loddon River Basin |
Tullaroop Reservoir |
7/12/2023 to 19/06/2024
195 days
Loddon River Basin |
Laanecoorie Reservoir |
8/02/2024 to 19/06/2024
132 days |
CW |
Torrumbarry Irrigation Area |
Various Locations – Ghow Swamp, Pyramid Creek System, Marcorna Main Channel System |
7/02/2024 to 6/03/2024
28 days |
Italics indicates warning periods that commenced in 2022/23 and continued into 2023/24.