Water Storage Manager 2023-24 Water Quality Annual Report

Acknowledgement of Country

Goulburn-Murray Water (GMW) acknowledges the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities of Victoria and pays respect to their Elders past, present and emerging.

GMW acknowledges Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as the First Peoples of Australia and as the proud representatives of the world’s oldest living culture.

GMW recognises the Yorta Yorta Nation and the Dja Dja Wurrung, Taungurung and Gunaikurnai Clans as the Registered Aboriginal Parties within the GMW Service Region and acknowledge their rights as the Traditional Owners of lands and waters, as outlined in their agreements with the state of Victoria. GMW acknowledges the insight, contributions and value the Traditional Owner communities add to the management of those lands and waters.

GMW recognises the rich cultural connections all First Peoples have across the region, as Traditional Custodians of lands and waters and the importance of those to all communities.


Goulburn-Murray Water (GMW), as a Water Storage Manager, is required under section 26 of the Safe Drinking Water Act 2003 (the Act) to provide an annual report to the Secretary of the Department of Health. This report covers the period 1 July 2023 to 30 June 2024 and was completed in accordance with the Guidance note issued in 2017 and the Safe Drinking Water Regulations 2015.

GMW continued to engage with water suppliers and other stakeholder agencies through forums and dialogue to share knowledge and ensure water resource management was optimised for all customers and users.

Charmaine Quick
Managing Director

1. Introduction 

Goulburn-Murray Rural Water Corporation, trading as Goulburn-Murray Water (GMW), is defined as a Water Storage Manager (WSM) under the Safe Drinking Water Act 2003 (the Act). This 2023/24 Water Quality Annual Report to the Secretary of the Department of Health (DH) has been prepared to satisfy the annual reporting requirements of the Act and Safe Drinking Water Regulations 2015 (the Regulations).

This report demonstrates GMW’s ongoing commitment to managing risks to the quality of the water the corporation delivers to urban Water Suppliers.

For a PDF of this report, please expand the sections below before printing. 

GMW manages the bulk water delivery and transfer for around 30 per cent of Victoria’s land area, or approximately 68,000 km 2 (Figure 1). GMW operates 22 storages in its region, including Murray‑Darling Basin Authority storages managed by Victoria. GMW’s area of operation includes the Upper Murray, Mitta Mitta, Kiewa, Ovens, King, Broken, Goulburn, Campaspe and Loddon river basins as well as the River Murray. These catchments contain a mix of land uses including native and plantation forests, a range of agriculture, mines, quarries, cities, townships and alpine resorts.

GMW also operates an extensive network of water distribution channels, pipelines and natural carriers to deliver raw water to its customers, who take water from these supply systems via a pump or a gravity-fed outlet. Customers include irrigators, domestic users (not for human consumption), stock water users, the environment and regional water corporations (urban Water Suppliers).

Water supplied by GMW is not treated to improve its suitability for any particular use and should never be considered fit for human consumption without first being properly treated.

GMW provides water to six urban Water Suppliers in accordance with bulk entitlements granted under the Water Act 1989:

Coliban Water (CW)

Central Highlands Water (CHW)

North East Water (NEW)

Goulburn Valley Water (GVW)

Grampians Wimmera Mallee Water (GWMWater)

Lower Murray Water (LMW)

At times water may also be supplied to the three metropolitan water corporations via Melbourne Water infrastructure known as the Sugarloaf (North-South) Pipeline. This pipeline was not used for transfers in 2023/24; however, water is taken at times for maintenance and routine testing of the infrastructure.

The bulk entitlements provide for quantity of supply but make no guarantee of quality. Raw (untreated) water is supplied by GMW to urban Water Suppliers for treatment and distribution to their customers in 127 towns via 81 offtake points across northern Victoria (see Appendix 1 for a list of towns supplied, including water sources).

GMW provides raw water to urban Water Suppliers in four different ways:

  • Directly from GMW storages via urban Water Supplier infrastructure e.g. GVW supplies Nagambie from Goulburn Weir/Lake Nagambie.
  • Via the outlet works of GMW storages e.g. CW supplies Bendigo from Lake Eppalock.
  • Indirectly from rivers supplied by GMW storages e.g. GVW supplies Seymour from the Goulburn River, downstream of Lake Eildon.
  • Directly from GMW’s channel and pipeline systems e.g. multiple urban Water Suppliers supply towns from channels in the Goulburn Murray Irrigation District.

There were no changes to water supply arrangements during 2023/24 where GMW is the WSM.

 Figure 1: GMW's area of operation.

GMW’s commitment to drinking water quality management is reflected in the corporate Safe Drinking Water policy. The policy was reviewed in April 2021.The objective of this policy is to ensure that GMW meets its obligations as a WSM under the Act and Regulations. It requires GMW to address threats to safe drinking water as a WSM by preparing and implementing a risk management plan in relation to its supply of water to an urban Water Supplier.

GMW is required to apply risk management for all the water supply mechanisms it uses to provide water to urban Water Suppliers. This includes risks associated with:

  • the catchment leading to each storage
  • each storage itself
  • the supply of water downstream of storages using natural carriers such as rivers and creeks
  • the supply of water via channel and pipeline systems.

A Risk Management Plan (RMP) has been prepared and implemented in accordance with the Act and Regulations. It is regularly reviewed by GMW. The plan outlines GMW activities to manage the risks to water quality and includes a section that focuses on risks in and around GMW’s storages and within GMW’s irrigation districts.

GMW communicates regularly with urban Water Suppliers to share information and discuss any issues arising from the RMP and operations, including incident response, blue-green algae risk and water resource management. Engagement with each urban Water Supplier includes two scheduled meetings per year and additional communication when required.

Urban Water Suppliers are also invited to participate in GMW’s risk identification and review process for the storages and irrigation systems relevant to their town offtakes. This involves participation in a workshop to ensure that all hazards to water quality are identified and appropriately rated, which helps to ensure a consistent understanding of hazards amongst the organisations. The risk assessment reviews are scheduled every two to five years, with the frequency dependent on a calculated overall risk rating for each location. During 2023/24, risk assessments were reviewed for three storages (see Section 3.1).

GMW has a Memorandum of Understanding with each of the six regional urban Water Suppliers (since 2009), Melbourne Water and Melbourne’s three retail water businesses (since 2011) that documents commitment by the parties to work together and share information relevant to the implementation of their respective RMPs.

GMW also engages with representatives of the North East, Goulburn Broken and North Central Catchment Management Authorities (CMAs) and other organisations with a role in land and/or water management to enable strategic and operational planning, knowledge exchange and a coordinated approach to issues affecting water quality.

Regular water quality monitoring is undertaken at GMW storages for blue-green algae (BGA) and basic water quality parameters including nutrients, pH, turbidity and electrical conductivity. The frequency of monitoring at each location is based on BGA risk, which is determined from the frequency of historical blooms and the consequence of high BGA levels. The consequence takes into consideration the presence of town offtakes, size of population supplied, the type of recreation permitted and popularity. All storages are monitored at least monthly. Additional monitoring is usually undertaken at storages with a history of water quality issues during the warmer months. Water quality is generally better in the east of GMW’s area of operation, so those storages are sampled monthly. In the western area, sampling is generally undertaken 18 times a year and biased toward the warmer months due to elevated BGA risk. As GMW uses a risk‑based approach to monitoring, extra sampling is often initiated through the year in response to laboratory results and field observations. Regular testing for BGA is undertaken in other parts of GMW's system where it has been determined, based on historical records, that there is a likelihood of high algae counts.

All water quality results are reviewed when received. Anomalous results are investigated, documented and reported to relevant stakeholders, including urban Water Suppliers.

GMW provides advice to urban Water Suppliers on BGA levels at locations with direct town water supply offtakes within 48 hours of receiving the results. Section 2.1 provides an overview of BGA management and warnings during 2023/24 related to water provided to urban Water Suppliers.

Data is summarised annually into a Water Quality Index, based on comparison with state and national guidelines. Relevant raw water quality data and Water Quality Index scores for GMW storages are shared with urban Water Suppliers that have indicated that they would like to receive this information.

2. Regulation items

Safe Drinking Water Regulation 17 – Additional details to be included in annual reports of water storage managers:

a. information about actions taken by the water storage manager in respect of each emergency, incident or event that has arisen that has affected

  1. the quality of the water supplied for drinking purposes generally; and
  2. the quality of the water supplied where that supply posed a risk to human health;

b. any issues that may have arisen out of the taking of the actions referred to in paragraph (a).

Section 22 Notifications

There were no incidents that required GMW to report to DH under section 22 of the Act during 2023/24.

Other emergencies, issues or events

The catchments in northern Victorian where water is harvested are open to a wide variety of land- and water-based activities and are not closed to public access or commercial use like some of Melbourne’s water supply catchments. Activities occurring in the catchments include agriculture, aquaculture, mining, forestry, industry, regional cities and towns, transport infrastructure and recreation. The hazardous events are documented and reviewed in the storage and irrigation area risk assessments.

During 2023/24 GMW recorded 9 incidents that had the potential to affect the quality of water delivered to an urban Water Supplier. All these incidents were for high levels of BGA and are described in Table 1. GMW notified the relevant urban Water Supplier in each instance, in addition to regular sharing of laboratory results.

GMW continued to work with urban Water Suppliers and other catchment partners to minimise the impact to water quality from incidents and activities that occur within GMW’s area of operation.

Blue-green algae management

Management of BGA by GMW is a key program that addresses a common risk to the supply of safe water. The Blue-green Algae Circular (the Circular) issued by Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action (DEECA) provides the main guidance for BGA preparedness and response. High levels of BGA regularly occur in waterbodies within GMW’s region and have the potential to affect drinking water supplies.

In accordance with the Circular, GMW is the Local Water Manager for BGA risk management in its storages and water supply network and is also the Regional Coordinator for BGA preparedness and response. Algae in the River Murray is primarily monitored and managed by New South Wales authorities, in partnership with GMW and other Victorian agencies via the Murray Region Algal Coordinating Committee.

GMW continued to engage with a range of stakeholders on BGA management, including hosting the pre-season meeting on 27 November 2023, which is a requirement of the Circular.

In 2023/24, 14 separate BGA warnings were issued by GMW based on recreational guidelines, with 7 of these warnings for water sources also used by urban Water Suppliers (refer Table 1). In addition, BGA warnings at Lake Eildon and Newlyn Reservoir first issued in 2022/23 extended into 2023/24.

A regional BGA warning was issued for the first time in the Broken catchment, affecting the Broken River downstream of Lake Nillahcootie to Shepparton. While there are no town water supply offtakes on the Broken River, there is a town offtake on the Goulburn River less than 2 km downstream of the confluence with the Broken River, so actions were taken to mitigate the risk.

Actions undertaken for each warning included notification to affected urban Water Suppliers, customers and stakeholders via phone, email, SMS or letter; advice to public via signage, media release, website, telephone hotline and social media; and additional surveillance and monitoring.

GMW advised DEECA and DH regularly via the BGA Status Report of all BGA results for GMW managed waterbodies. DH and DEECA were also notified via email when BGA levels exceeded a recreational trigger.

BGA factsheets and information on the current BGA warnings for GMW’s storages and irrigation areas can be found on the BGA Warnings webpage www.gmwater.com.au/bluegreenalgae-alert/.

In addition, the public can access warning information by calling GMW’s BGA Hotline on (03) 5826 3785, contacting GMW directly during business hours on 1800 013 357 or emailing reception@gmwater.com.au

Table 1 : Blue Green Algae Recreational Warnings issued by GMW in 2023/24 for water sources used by urban Water Suppliers

Basin / System Location Warning Dates and duration Urban Water Supplier Notified
Goulburn River Basin Lake Eildon

21/04/2023 to 18/07/2023
88 days

Goulburn River Basin Lake Eildon

7/12/2023 to 23/01/2024

47 days
Goulburn River Basin Lake Eildon

22/04/2024 to 17/07/2024

86 days
Goulburn River Basin Lake Nagambie/ Goulburn Weir – confined to the Turners Lane Backwaters West near Kirwan’s Bridge

07/02/2024 to 04/04//2024

57 days
Goulburn River Basin Lake Nagambie/ Goulburn Weir – confined to the Turners Lane Backwaters East near Kirwan’s Bridge

07/02/2024 to 03/07/2024

147 days
Loddon River Basin Newlyn Reservoir

23/02/2023 to 18/07/2023
145 days

Loddon River Basin Tullaroop Reservoir
7/12/2023 to 19/06/2024
195 days
Loddon River Basin Laanecoorie Reservoir

8/02/2024 to 19/06/2024

132 days
Torrumbarry Irrigation Area Various Locations – Ghow Swamp, Pyramid Creek System, Marcorna Main Channel System

7/02/2024 to 6/03/2024

28 days

Italics indicates warning periods that commenced in 2022/23 and continued into 2023/24.

Safe Drinking Water Regulation 17 –

c. A summary of every written undertaking by the water storage manager accepted by the Secretary under section 30 of the Act.

f. Details of any exemption granted to the water storage manager under section 8 of the Act and any condition imposed in relation to any exemption.

 There were no exemptions or undertakings in place with DH during 2023/24

Safe Drinking Water Regulation 17 –

d. A summary of the findings of the most recent risk management plan audit and any issues that the approved auditor raised during the risk management plan audit.

The Secretary to the Department of Health did not require GMW to undertake an audit of its risk management plan during the 2023/24 reporting period.

The Opportunity for Improvement (OFI) identified during the 2023 audit is still to be completed, see Table 2.

Table 2: OFIs arising from 2023 audit

Opportunity for Improvement Status
OFI 2023/1. Consider liaising with Department of Health to clarify the advice in the Guidance Note – Drinking Water Quality Annual Reports (DH June 2017) and the requirement for reporting water quality events in raw water sources Accepted. To discuss at next meeting with DH

Safe Drinking Water Regulation 17 –

e.  (i) a summary of the process by which the water supplied by the water storage manager is disinfected or treated and any other processes applied to the water by the water storage manager, and any issues arising out of the application of those processes; and

e. (ii) a list of all the chemicals and other substances, and any processes, used by a water storage manager to disinfect or treat the water supplied, or to be supplied, by it for drinking purposes;

GMW does not disinfect, treat, or process any water supplied to its customers. Water supplied by GMW is not suitable for direct human consumption and GMW customers are advised of this (see also Section 3.2)

3. Additional Information 

GMW has completed individual risk assessments for each GMW storage and irrigation area, as well as a region-wide risk assessment. All assessments are regularly reviewed with input from relevant urban Water Suppliers. During 2023/24, risk reviews were undertaken for Hepburns Lagoon, Tullaroop Reservoir and Newlyn Reservoir. All changes to risk level ratings and the overall risk analysis were documented in accordance with GMW’s Risk Management Plan and communicated to urban Water Suppliers.

GMW continues to implement key programs to manage the identified risks to water quality. Examples of the types of activities undertaken by GMW during 2023/24 are provided in Table 3.

Table 3: Key Program activities

Program 2023/24 Activities & Achievements
Water quality monitoring Water quality monitoring and analysis was undertaken for GMW’s major storages and key channel locations. This data was regularly shared with urban Water Suppliers.
Blue-green algae management The BGA risk was managed in accordance with the DEECA BGA Circular, including issuing of recreational warnings, notification to relevant urban Water Suppliers and sharing of test results with stakeholders.
Stakeholder engagement Continued engagement with regional and state catchment partners including implementation of Regional Catchment Strategies, sub-strategies and programs. During 2023/24 this included continued involvement in the Tullaroop Catchment Restoration Project with CHW and North Central CMA, and active membership of the Goulburn Broken Regional Water Quality Forum, which includes Goulburn Broken CMA and GVW.
GMW staff training

Training for SDWA awareness was conducted for new key program managers and staff. 

A new SDWA introduction module was launched in GMW’s online learning management system as part of Environmental Awareness training. Face-to-face SDWA refresher training was conducted for operational staff who work in the channel system.
Statutory Planning 2,043 planning and development applications were referred to GMW for response under the Planning and Environment Act 1987 and other legislation.
Environmental Management System (EMS GMW is continuing to transition to an integrated Health, Safety and Environment Management System aligned with international standards. As part of this process an integrated HSE Policy was approved on 26 June 2024 and released to the business. As efficiencies are identified through the integration process they will be implemented in a phased approach across the business.
Storage Management

Leased Land Management: Approximately 60 desktop audits of club leases were undertaken for sites around GMW water storages. Improvement opportunities from an internal review of the lease audit process have now been implemented to enhance its effectiveness.GMW is actively engaging with all lease holders to assist them in complying with the changes in regulations concerning wastewater management systems under the Environment Protection Act 2017.

Improvement Works: Significant improvement works were completed in 2023/24 to enhance or protect water quality including:

  • Lake Eildon: Overhaul of the wastewater collection barges has significantly increased the serviceability and reliability of these assets, which are responsible for handling houseboat effluent from two marinas.
  • Waranga Basin: Fish habitat installation project completed along with the embankment picnic shelter, BBQ and information signage.
  • Lake Eppalock and Cairn Curran Reservoir: Upgrades to public facilities and foreshore protection.
  • Lake Nillahcootie and Lake Hume: Installation of geofabric sandbagging and erosion beaching in various locations

Houseboats regulations and management at Lake Eildon: GMW worked in partnership with DEECA and the houseboat community reviewing and finalising the Water (Lake Eildon Recreational Area) (Houseboats) Regulations 2024, which implements greywater management for houseboats. These regulations came into operation on 10 June 2024.GMW will continue to manage houseboat operations, including providing on‑water sewage collection facilities and rubbish collection for over 700 houseboats at Lake Eildon. 

Weed Management Chemicals are used in and adjacent to water systems to control weeds. There were 250 km of submersed weeds treated in channels to improve water delivery across the GMID. Spraying by drone occurred at some locations with limited access or challenging conditions to increase the safety and effectiveness of treatment.

A planned upgrade of GMW’s fleet of weed spray trucks during 2024 will see efficiencies gained via new technologies and advancements in the equipment. 
Channel Management Activities undertaken on channels included erosion control and prevention works. Fencing was installed along some channels to prevent stock from causing damage and water quality deterioration, in conjunction with customers. GMW monitors unauthorised activities on or near storages and channels, reporting any incidents or potential risks to water quality.

No water supplied by GMW is suitable for human consumption or related uses without first being properly treated. GMW has a Customer Information Statement to advise customers of the non-potable nature of the water supplied, which is provided to new customers and periodically to all customers via newsletters. It is also located on the GMW website www.gmwater.com.au.

Customer invoices, licences and leases include a statement about the non-potable nature of the water supplied by GMW. The public and stakeholders are also made aware via statements included in BGA media releases and signs on non-potable water taps at GMW sites.

This report and further information is available from our website www.gmwater.com.auor by contacting:

Goulburn-Murray Water
40 Casey Street
PO Box 165
Tatura VIC 3616

Free call: 1800 013 357
Standard call: (03) 5826 3500

Email: reception@gmwater.com.au 


Table 4: Urban Water Supplier Offtakes where GMW is the Water Storage Manager

Water Supplier Water System/ Irrigation Area (IA) Supply Source 1 Water Supplier’s
Water Treatment Plant
Towns Supplied
CHW Loddon Newlyn Reservoir on Birch's Creek White Swan (Ballarat) Ballarat District
CHW Campaspe Lake Eppalock on Campaspe River White Swan (Ballarat) Ballarat District
CHW Rochester IA Waranga Western Channel (Colbinabbin) White Swan (Ballarat) Ballarat District
CHW Loddon Tullaroop Reservoir on Tullaroop Creek Maryborough Maryborough District 
CW Campaspe Lake Eppalock on Campaspe River Bendigo, Heathcote Bendigo District, Heathcote, Tooborac
CW Rochester IA Waranga Western Channel (Colbinabbin) Bendigo, Heathcote Bendigo District, Heathcote, Tooborac
CW Loddon Valley IA PH channel no. 3 Boort Boort
CW Loddon Loddon River (Bridgewater offtake) Bridgewater Bridgewater, Inglewood
CW Loddon Valley IA Waranga Western Channel via South West Loddon Pipeline 3 Bridgewater, Laanecoorie, Korong Vale Bridgewater, Inglewood, Laanecoorie, Bealiba, Dunolly, Tarnagulla, Korong Vale, Wedderburn
CW Torrumbarry IA Gunbower Creek (Cohuna offtake) Cohuna Cohuna
CW Loddon Valley IA PH Channel no. 1 Regulated 2 Dingee
CW Murray River Murray (Echuca offtake) Echuca Echuca
CW Campaspe Campaspe River (Goornong offtake) Goornong Goornong
CW Torrumbarry IA Taylors Creek Gunbower Gunbower
CW Loddon Valley IA East Loddon Pipeline Regulated 2 Jarklin
CW Loddon Loddon River (Laanecoorie offtake) Laanecoorie Laanecoorie, Bealiba, Dunolly, Tarnagulla
CW Torrumbarry IA Torrumbarry channel no. 1   Leitchville  Leitchville
CW   Torrumbarry IA Gunbower Creek (Leitchville offtake) Leitchville  Leitchville
CW    Rochester IA Waranga Western Channel via RO channel no. 24 (piped) Lockington Lockington
CW   Loddon Valley IA PH channel no. 10/1 Regulated 2   Macorna
CW   Loddon Valley IA Waranga Western Channel via Mitiamo stock and domestic pipeline Regulated 2 Mitiamo
CW   Loddon Valley IA Waranga Western Channel (Mysia offtake) Regulated 2 Mysia
CW   Loddon Valley IA  PH channel no. 5/1 Pyramid Hill Pyramid Hill
CW   Rochester IA Waranga Western Channel (Rochester offtake) – 2 locations   Rochester Rochester  
CW  Rochester IA   Waranga Western Channel (Rochester offtake) – 2 locations Rochester Rochester  
CW   Loddon Valley IA East Loddon Pipeline Serpentine Serpentine
GVW Goulburn Goulburn River (Alexandra offtake) Alexandra Alexandra, Eildon, Thornton
GVW   Murray   River Murray (Barmah offtake)   Barmah Barmah
GVW   Goulburn Lake Eildon on Goulburn River Bonnie Doon Bonnie Doon
GVW   Goulburn Goulburn River (Tallarook offtake) Broadford Broadford, Waterford Park
GVW   Murray River Murray (Cobram offtake) Cobram Cobram, Strathmerton, Yarroweyah  
GVW   Rochester IA Waranga Western Channel (Colbinabbin offtake) Colbinabbin Colbinabbin
GVW Rochester IA Waranga Western Channel (Corop offtake) Regulated 2 Corop
GVW Shepparton IA East Goulburn Main Channel Dookie Dookie
GVW Central Goulburn IA CG channel no. 12/9 Girgarre Girgarre
GVW Goulburn Lake Nagambie/Goulburn Weir (Baxters Rd offtake) on Goulburn River Regulated 2 Goulburn Weir (Baxters Road)
GVW Murray Valley IA MV channel no. 7/3 Katamatite Katamatite
GVW Shepparton IA SH channel no. 2/24 (piped) Katandra West Katandra West
GVW Goulburn Lake Nagambie/Goulburn Weir (Kirwans Bridge offtake) on Goulburn River Regulated 2 Kirwans Bridge
GVW Central Goulburn IA CG channel no. 9 Kyabram Kyabram, Merrigum
GVW Goulburn Goulburn River (Molesworth offtake) Regulated 2 Molesworth
GVW Goulburn Goulburn River (Murchison offtake) Murchison Murchison
GVW Goulburn Lake Nagambie/Goulburn Weir (Nagambie offtake) on Goulburn River Nagambie Nagambie
GVW Murray Valley IA Broken Creek Nathalia Nathalia  
GVW   Murray Valley IA   MV channel no. 6/6 Numurkah Numurkah, Wunghnu
GVW Murray Valley IA  MV channel no. 9/9/6 Picola Picola
GVW Goulburn Waranga Basin Rushworth Rushworth
GVW Goulburn Goulburn River (Seymour offtake) Seymour Seymour, Avenel, Tallarook, Trawool, Mangalore
GVW Goulburn Goulburn River (Shepparton offtake) Shepparton Shepparton, Mooroopna, Tallygaroopna, Toolamba, Congupna
GVW Central Goulburn IA CG channel no. 1/12/9 Stanhope Stanhope
GVW Central Goulburn IA CG channel no. 3/5A Tatura Tatura
GVW Central Goulburn IA CG channel no. 2/5/6 Tatura Tatura
GVW Central Goulburn IA CG channel no. 28/9 Tongala Tongala
GWMWater Murray River Murray (Nyah offtake) Regulated 2 Chillingollah, Chinkapook, Waitchie
GWMWater   Murray River Murray - Pental Island   Regulated 2, Quambatook Lalbert, Culgoa, Nullawil, Berriwillock, Quambatook
GWMWater   Murray River Murray - Piangil Pump Station Manangatang Manangatang
GWMWater   Murray River Murray (Wemen offtake) Ouyen, Underbool, and Regulated 2 Ouyen, Underbool, Walpeup, Patchewollock, Speed, Nandaly, Tempy
GWMWater Loddon Valley IA Normanville no. 4/1 Pipeline Quambatook Quambatook
LMW Loddon Loddon River (Kerang alt. offtake) Kerang Kerang
LMW Torrumbarry IA Torrumbarry channel no. 14/2 Kerang Kerang
LMW Murray River Murray (Koondrook offtake) Kerang, Koondrook Kerang, Koondrook
LMW Murray River Murray (Mildura offtake) Mildura 7th Street + Mildura West Mildura (inc Mildura West), Irymple, Merbein
LMW Murray River Murray (Mildura West offtake) Mildura 7th Street + Mildura West Mildura (inc Mildura West), Irymple, Merbein
LMW Torrumbarry IA Torrumbarry pipeline 1/17/4 Murrabit Murrabit
LMW Murray River Murray (Murrabit offtake) Murrabit Murrabit
LMW Torrumbarry IA Kangaroo Lake (Mystic Park) Regulated 2 Mystic Park
LMW Murray River Murray (Piangil offtake) Piangil Piangil
LMW Murray River Murray (Red Cliffs offtake) Red Cliffs Red Cliffs
LMW Murray River Murray (Robinvale offtake) Robinvale Robinvale
LMW Murray River Murray (Swan Hill offtake) Swan Hill Swan Hill, Lake Boga, Nyah, Nyah West, Woorinen South
MW Goulburn Goulburn River (via Sugarloaf Pipeline at Killingworth) Melbourne - various

Melbourne metropolitan region

NEW Murray Lake Hume on the River Murray Bellbridge Bellbridge
NEW Murray Mitta Mitta River (Dartmouth offtake) Dartmouth Dartmouth
NEW Murray Mitta Mitta River (Eskdale offtake) Eskdale Eskdale
NEW King King River (Moyhu offtake) Moyhu Moyhu
NEW King King River (Oxley offtake) Oxley Oxley
NEW Murray Lake Hume on the Mitta Mitta River arm Tallangatta Tallangatta
NEW Murray River Murray (Wahgunyah offtake) Wahgunyah Wahgunyah, Rutherglen
NEW Ovens Ovens River (confluence with King River) Wangaratta Wangaratta, Glenrowan
NEW King Shallow bore adjacent King River Whitfield Whitfield
NEW Murray Wodonga Creek (anabranch of the Murray River) Wodonga Wodonga, Ebden, Baranduda, Chiltern, Barnawartha, Tangambalanga, Kiewa, Springhurst, Wodonga Logic Centre
NEW   Murray     Lake Mulwala/Yarrawonga Weir on the River Murray   Yarrawonga   Yarrawonga, Bundalong, Devenish, St James, Tungamah, Goorambat

1 All water supplied by GMW is raw i.e. not treated

2 Regulated water as defined under the SDWA i.e. water supplied by Water Suppliers that is not intended for drinking but could be mistaken as drinking water

3 South West Loddon Pipeline is managed by GWMWater

Term Description
Blue-green algae (BGA) Types of bacteria (cyanobacteria) found in water systems that can cause taste, odour and water quality problems, with some species capable of producing toxins harmful to humans and animals.
Catchment Area of land over which water flows and is collected into a common water body (river, stream, dam etc.).
Catchment management Authority (CMA) State government agency responsible for the integrated planning and coordination of land, water and biodiversity management in each catchment and land protection region.
Central Highlands Water (CHW) Urban Water Supplier in central Victoria that services 9,000 km 2 including Ballarat, Maryborough, Daylesford and surrounding areas.
Coliban Water (CW) Urban Water supplier in north-central Victoria that services 16,500 km 2 from Cohuna and Echuca in the north to Kyneton and Trentham in the south.
Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action (DEECA) Victorian Government Department responsible for matters including environment, land, water and planning.
Department of Health (DH) Victorian Government Department responsible for matters related to the state’s health and wellbeing as well as other aspects of social policy.
Drinking water Water intended for human consumption or for purposes connected with human consumption. Also referred to as potable water.
Environmental Management System (EMS) Set of processes and practices to manage an organization’s impact on the environment.
Goulburn Valley Water (GVW) Urban Water Supplier in north-central Victoria that services 20,000 km 2, including Cobram, Shepparton, Seymour and Alexandra.
Goulburn-Murray Water (GMW) Statutory Authority of the Victorian Government operating over 68,000 km 2 in northern Victoria that provides water storage and supply services, operating Australia’s largest irrigation delivery network.
Grampians Wimmera Mallee Water (GWMWater) Urban Water Supplier in western Victoria that services 60,000 km 2 from Manangatang and Warracknabeal to Serviceton and Westmere.
Irrigation area (IA) A geographic area with defined boundaries where water is distributed using pipes and channels, primarily for the purpose of irrigation of land for agriculture.
Lower Murray Water (LMW) Urban Water Supplier in north-west Victoria that services 14,600 km 2 along the Murray River from Kerang to the South Australian border. 
North East Water (NEW) Urban Water supplier in north-east Victoria that services 20,000 km 2 bound by Corryong, Yarrawonga, Benalla and Dartmouth.
Safe Drinking Water Act (2003) The legislation that regulates drinking water quality. It places obligations on water suppliers and water storage managers to provide safe, high-quality drinking water.
Raw water Water found in the environment that has not been treated or filtered.
Regulated water As defined under the SDWA i.e. water supplied by urban Water Suppliers that is not intended for drinking but could be mistaken as drinking water.
Risk Management Plan (RMP) Document prepared by water agencies under the SDWA that contains a description of the water supply system, identifies and assesses risks to the quality of water and outlines steps to manage those risks.
River basin Comprised of the catchment for one or more major rivers and their tributaries
Town offtake Location on a water body where water is supplied to, or obtained by, an urban Water Supplier.
Treated water Water that has undergone processing to serve a specific end use, such as to become drinking or potable water.
Urban Water Supplier Water agency as defined as a Water Supplier under the SDWA that supplies drinking water or Regulated water to the public.
Water Act 1989 (Victoria) The legislation that governs the way surface water and groundwater entitlements are issued and allocated in Victoria. It defines water entitlements, establishes the mechanisms for managing Victoria's water resources and relates to the governance and operation of rural and urban water corporations.
Water Storage Manager (WSM) Water corporation as defined under the SDWA that supplies raw water to an urban water supplier by releasing water to water supplier or permitting water supplier to take water from the water storage (directly or from any point downstream)

 If you require a printable version of the Water Quality Annual Report, please phone GMW on 1800 013 357 and quote the reference A4973119