Fact sheet: Groundwater Licence Application Process

Goulburn-Murray Water (GMW) plays an essential role in the sustainable managemnet of groundwater for local communities and the environment in northern Victoria.

Managing how much groundwater can be taken under licences is the foundation of sustainable management.

Bore Construction Licence

Before groundwater can be used for any purpose (e.g. domestic, stock, dairy wash down, irrigation, or commercial), a Bore Construction Licence is required. This licence must be issued before any bore drilling or construction commences.

If the bore is used solely for domestic and stock purposes, only a Bore Construction Licence is required. Applications for a Bore Construction Licence may be made over the counter at any GMW office or online at the Victorian Water Register.

Any bore licensed only as an investigation bore must be filled in (sealed) prior to a driller leaving the site.

Works (Operate) Licence and Take and Use Licence

Before groundwater is used from a bore (other than for domestic or stock purposes) a Works (Operate) Licence and a Take and Use Licence are required.

A Works (Operate) licence contains rules that relate to how a bore can be operated, such as how much water can be taken in a day.

A Take and Use licence (often referred to as a groundwater licence) sets the volume that a person can take from a bore in a year and other associated conditions.

Works (Operate) and Take and Use licence applications

Licence application forms are available from our Forms page.

Alternatively you can contact GMW’s Licensing Administration team via email at licensingadmin@gmwater.com.au or by calling 1800 013 357.

Take and Use Licence assessment process


Applicants need to let their neighbours know about their application. If the application is for more than 20 ML, they also need to advertise in the local newspaper.


Anyone who has a nearby bore or knows about local values (e.g. springs or waterways) that may be impacted by the proposed licence is given the opportunity to raise these matters with GMW.

Submission forms are available from our Forms page or by contacting GMW’s Licensing Administration team via email at licensingadmin@gmwater.com.au or by calling 1800 013 357.

Site inspection

After GMW receives the application, a site inspection occurs to collect information about the application, and to identify nearby bores, waterways or important environmental features that may be impacted.


Following the site inspection, an assessment of the risk of impacts to groundwater users or the environment is undertaken. The assessment is done in accordance with the Water Act 1989 and relevant management plans.

If risks are identified, an application may be refused or a request to engage a qualified hydrogeologist to provide evidence that the risk is minimal may be made.

Any submissions received about the application are considered as part of this process.


Once a decision has been made, applicants are then notified of the outcome.

Anyone who has made a formal submission about the application will also be notified of the outcome.

More information

For more information, please visit www.gmwater.com.au/groundwater 

GMW reference: A3150078