Pumped Irrigation District Pricing Simulator

Using the Simulator

  • Customers can use the simulator below to estimate either their fixed, variable or total 2023/24 charges.
  • Simply select your location from the dropdown list and follow the instructions.
  • Hover over the help icon for help on what information to place in each box.
  • The form below indicates 2023/24 charges. A comparison with 2022/23 charges will be shown in the final calculation.
Your Location:

Fixed Charges

How to Calculate Fixed Charges

  • Using your 2022/23 Water Services account enter in your individual details in the data boxes below.
  • If you do not have a particular service or charge on your account, do not enter anything in that box.
  • If estimating costs for more than one account (within the specified region only), be sure to add up fee totals on the form for all covered accounts. Accounts in different regions may have different charges, and will need to be calculated separately.
Customer Fees
Customer Fee customer @ $130.00/customer
Water Register Fee entitlement @ $14.46/entitlement charged once per customer
Entitlement Storage Fee ML Murray High Reliability @ $11.75 /ML
Entitlement Storage Fee ML Murray Low Reliability @ $4.31 /ML
Infrastructure Access Fee ML/day Delivery Share @ $4,562.00 /ML/day
Service Points - Domestic & Stock @ $145.00 each
Service Points - Local Read @ $455.00 each
Service Points - Remote Operate @ $1,070.00 each
Subsurface Drainage
Area Fee hectares @% of @ $3.41 /HA
Customer Fee

The Customer Fee is payable once per customer so if you are completing more than one simulator, only add it to one of them.

Water Register Fee

Enter the number of entitlements (WEEs or BEEs) as per your records stored in the Victorian Water Register. The Water Register Fee is payable once per property therefore if you hold multiple properties please add all entitlements for all properties and enter into the field. If you are completing more than one simulator only enter your total entitlement on one simulator.

Service Fee

Specify the number of accounts you'd like to estimate costs for, otherwise leave blank.

Entitlement Storage Fee (HRWS)

Enter your high-reliability water share volume in megalitres (ML).

Entitlement Storage Fee (LRWS)

Enter your low-reliability water share volume in megalitres (ML).

Infrastructure Access Fee

Enter your delivery share in megalitres (ML) per day. As a guide, divide your annual use limit by 100.

Domestic Stock Service Point Fee

Irrigation Service Point Fee

Drainage Diversion Site Fee

Additional Service Point Fee

Subtract 1 from your total number of domestic and stock and irrigation service points and enter this value. If you only have one service point, leave blank.

Service Fee (Woorinen)

If you have water shares or delivery shares enter the number of accounts you'd like to estimate costs for, otherwise leave blank.

Area Fee (Woorinen)

Enter in the % rate at which you are charged.

Drainage Diversion Agreement Fee

Community Surface Drainage

Subsurface Drainage Fee (Tresco)

Enter the volume of water you expect to have delivered during the season in megalitres (ML).

Subsurface Drainage Fee

Enter your high reliability water share in megalitres (ML).

Surface Drainage Water Use Fee

Subsurface Drainage Service Fee

If you have drainage service enter the number of accounts you'd like to estimate costs for, otherwise leave blank.

Subsurface Drainage Area Fee

Enter the amount of hectares that are connected to drainage services.

Service Points - Domestic & Stock

Enter the number of Domestic & Stock Service Points (small pipe outlets ) that you have.

Local Read Service Point Fee

The type of service point reflects the costs of the modernised outlets. Enter numbers in the boxes that represent the type of service point/s you have on your property. If you are unaware of which fee is applicable to your property please contact GMW on 1300 553200.

Remote Operate Point Fee

The type of service point reflects the costs of the modernised outlets. Enter numbers in the boxes that represent the type of service point/s you have on your property. If you are unaware of which fee is applicable to your property please contact GMW on 1300 553 200.

Variable Charges

How to Calculate Variable Charges

  • Enter an estimate of your individual usage details in the form boxes below.
  • Your total consumptive charges account for 2022/23 is sent in June 2023.
Infrastructure Use Fee ML @$24.71 /ML
Casual Infrastructure Use Fee ML (above Annual Delivery Allowance of $93.14 /ML ML)
Subsurface Drainage
Subsurface Drainage Water Use Fee ML @$1.36 /ML
Infrastructure Use Fee

Enter the volume of water in megalitres (ML) you expect to have delivered during the irrigation season, up to your annual delivery allowance. Your annual delivery allowance is your delivery share (Ml/day) multiplied by 365.

Casual Infrastructure Use Fee

Subtract 365 x your delivery share (ML/day) from the volume you expect to have delivered during the year.

Surface Drainage Water Use Fee

Subsurface Drainage Water Use Fee

Enter the volume of water in megalitres (ML) you expect to use during the irrigation season. This figure will be the total of your infrastructure use and casual infrastructure use.

Subsurface Drainage Specific Levy based on assessed service level