Fact sheet: How we estimate water usage when your meter fails


"Garden" means a garden that is used solely in connection with the dwelling, where produce is not sold.

"Meter" means any form of measuring device, approved by the Authority, for measuring the volume of water flowing past a particular point. 

"Stock Use" in relation to water, means watering of cattle or any other stock.

"Residence" means a section of a property, 2 hectares or less in area, where water is supplied for residential use.

"Residential Use" in relation to water, means use for household purposes, watering of animals kept as pets or irrigation of a garden.

Failure of Dethridge Meter:

  1. Where the means of measurement of water supplied is through a Dethridge, Dethridge long meter, or in the opinion of an authorised officer the meter is functioning inaccurately or the recording mechanism has failed during the course of a specific irrigation, then the volume of water supplied during that irrigation and any subsequent irrigation for which the recording mechanism remains inoperative must be computed by applying the formula:

 Volume of water supplied = X multiplied by Y

X = the rate of flow through the meter as determined by the rate of revolution of the meter as observed and recorded by an authorised officer; and

Y = the duration of the irrigation.

In applying the above formula -

1.1.  the observed rate of revolution of the meter must not be less than three revolutions per minute throughout the irrigation;

1.2.  the volume of water calculated must be consistent with the area and type of culture irrigated; and

1.3.  the meter outlet has not been subject to unauthorised interference and has, save for the failure of the recording mechanism, operated correctly during the course of the irrigation.

Measurement Using Duration of Supply and Flow Rate:

2. Where the supply of water is unmetered or an authorised officer is of the opinion that a meter, not being a Dethridge meter or Dethridge-long meter, is functioning inaccurately or the recording mechanism has failed, the volume of water supplied during a specific period shall be computed by applying the formula –

Volume of water supplied =  A multiplied by  B

A = the rate of flow of water through the outlet, established by an authorised officer (such rate to be determined by the capacity of the pump or by measurement with an independent flow meter, as measured by an authorised officer); and

B = the duration of supply.

2.1.  In applying the above formula the volume of water calculated must be consistent with the area and type of culture irrigated.

Filling of Dams:

3. Where water is supplied to fill a dam based on an order lodged by the customer, and if the supply of water is unmetered or an authorised officer is of the opinion that the meter is functioning inaccurately or the recording mechanism has failed, the volume supplied shall be computed as the volume of the dam as determined by an authorised officer.

Other cases where there is no meter or the meter fails:

4.      This clause only applies if the supply of water is unmetered or an authorised officer is of the opinion that a meter is functioning inaccurately or the recording mechanism has failed and when all of clauses 1, 2, and 3 of this document do not apply or cannot be applied.

4.1.  Where water is supplied for irrigation and based on an order lodged by the customer, and -

4.1.1.    the water is supplied for a single irrigation - the volume of water supplied shall be computed as the volume equal to 75 mm of water in depth multiplied by the area irrigated; or

4.1.2.    the water is supplied in small intermittent volumes for rice irrigation - the volume of water supplied shall be computed as the volume equal to 75 mm of water in depth, multiplied by the area irrigated, for each 7 day period that the intermittent supply is provided.

4.2.  Where water is supplied for residential use or for use in chemical sprays, and -

4.2.1.    Where one residence is supplied within a property, the volume of water supplied shall be computed, for the irrigation period, as -

  • 1 megalitre where the use includes irrigation of a garden with an area less than (or equal to) 0.1 hectares; and
  • 2 megalitres where the use includes irrigation of a garden with an area greater than 0.1 hectares but less than (or equal to) 2 hectares.

4.2.2.    Where more than one residence is supplied within a property, the volume shall be computed as the total volume of water supplied for each separate residence.

4.3.  Where water is supplied for stock use, the volume of water supplied shall be computed, for the irrigation period, as -

4.3.1.    1 megalitre for an area less than (or equal to) 100 hectares;

4.3.2.    2 megalitres for an area greater than 100 hectares but less than (or equal to) 200 hectares;

4.3.3.    3 megalitres for an area greater than 200 hectares but less than (or equal to) 300 hectares; and

4.3.4.    4 megalitres for an area greater than 300 hectares.

4.4.  Where water is supplied for use in dairies, piggeries, feedlots, poultry enterprises or any other intensive or commercial use, the volume supplied shall be computed as 3 megalitres for the irrigation period.

5.    Where water is supplied for more than one use described in clauses 4.1, 4.2, 4.3 and 4.4 above, then the volume supplied shall be computed as the total volume of each separate use.

6.    Where water is supplied for any purpose, the Authority may compute the volume of water supplied by having regard to the volume of water delivered in any previous or subsequent period or periods, or the volume of water supplied to any similar property during the period concerned.

7.    Notwithstanding the provisions of clauses 4.2 and 4.3, the volume of water computed in accordance with those subsections shall be reduced in accordance with the provisions of any determination of the Authority made under sections 13, 33 or 141 of the Act that a water shortage exists in the relevant area or supply system, as the case may be.

8.    Notwithstanding the provisions of clause 4.3, the volume of water computed in accordance with that subsection shall be one half of the volume prescribed by clause 4.3 for an irrigation period commencing prior to 30 June 2004.

More information

For more information contact us on 1800 013 357 or visit www.gmwater.com.au 

GMW reference: A1404812