Start the new irrigation season on front foot

Monday 5 August, 2024

With the irrigation season just days away, farmers and other water users are being encouraged to prepare their irrigation infrastructure and familiarise themselves with their entitlements.

The 2024/25 irrigation season begins on 15 August, with water entitlement holders able to place orders as early as 10 August.

Goulburn-Murray Water (GMW) general manager Water Delivery Services Warren Blyth advised customers to review their water entitlements before ordering.

“It is important people understand their licences and the amount of water they are entitled to before the new irrigation seasons begins,” he said.

“Using more than your licence allows is illegal and means you can be prosecuted for water theft.

“We strongly encourage customers with any questions about their licences or entitlements to get in touch with us.”

Depending on whether a system is fully modernised or not, water orders require either 48 or 24 hours’ notice. However, irrigators are encouraged to place their orders earlier to help Water Systems Operators plan deliveries in advance.

Irrigators are also advised to ensure their on-farm irrigation infrastructure is in working condition to make sure they get water at the flow rate they order.

This includes inspecting pumps, pipelines and other infrastructure for any debris or blockages.

Customers can contact GMW with any maintenance issues relating to the broader water delivery network.

If a customer is looking to report a maintenance issue or has questions regarding their water licences or entitlements, they can phone GMW’s Water Systems Operations team on 1300 469 469.

Customers wanting to access WaterLINE – GMW’s water ordering system – can do so by downloading the waterline app or via