Shepparton man fined for water theft

Tuesday 2 July, 2024

A Shepparton man has been convicted and fined $2500 for water theft and tampering with Goulburn-Murray Water equipment.

The matter was heard in Shepparton Magistrates’ Court on 3 June 2024. The offender was charged with both unauthorised take and use of water and interfering with the property of an authority.

GMW commenced the prosecution after discovering both a regulator and meter outlet had been switched from automatic mode into local mode, subsequently allowing water to be rerouted without an order being placed.

The manipulation of the regulator triggered an alarm, leading to GMW distribution staff inspecting the site.

The staff found the water was being diverted to two neighbouring paddocks.

The water taken at the time was unauthorised and unmetered.  

GMW Water Delivery Services general manager Warren Blyth said water theft is a serious offence.

“GMW has a zero-tolerance approach to water theft, which provides equity of access to limited water resources and protects those who are doing the right thing,” he said.

“It is important to plan ahead and have month to month and seasonal plans for your water needs and make sure you keep a positive balance in your water allocation account.”

Customers with any queries on compliance can phone the GMW Customer Experience Team on 1800 013 357 for assistance.

For more information, head to our Compliance webpage