Diversions customers to have their say

Thursday 18 July, 2024

Expressions of interest are now open to customers wishing to be part of a reference group looking into the fees charged as part of Goulburn-Murray Water’s (GMW) diversions services.

The water corporation is undertaking a Diversions Cost Review to ensure full transparency and accountability and assess the underlying data that determines the service’s costs.

GMW Diversions Groundwater and Streams manager Peter Clydesdale said customer feedback would play a key part in the review.

“To support the review, we are looking to establish a customer reference group,” he said.

“This group will be involved in the review at key times and provide feedback on the review’s direction and deliverables.”

In addition to the customer reference group, the review will capture data for the activities associated with GMW providing its diversions services.

Mr Clydesdale encouraged diversions customers to apply to be part of the reference group.

“The group will represent all types of diversions customers, including large, medium and small customers from the regulated, unregulated and groundwater services,” he said.

“It’s a great chance for customers to provide their feedback and have a meaningful impact on how diversions fees and charges are determined.”

The Diversions Cost Review Customer Reference Group is expected to hold approximately four meetings between August 2024 and February 2025.

Expressions of Interest are welcomed until close of business Wednesday 31 July 2024. The application form can be found on GMW’s YourSay page

People preferring a hard copy form can request one by phoning GMW on 1800 013 357.