Goulburn-Murray Water (GMW) has removed the blue-green algae warning for Lake Nillahcootie following a significant decline in algae levels.
GMW issued the warning for Lake Nillahcootie in January 2024. The warning was in place for 135 days.
GMW Water Quality Coordinator Bianca Atley said blue-green algae levels were regularly tested.
“We will continue to undertake water quality monitoring,” she said.
“If blue‑green algae reach levels deemed unsafe by national health guidelines, a warning will be issued.”
Blue-green algae occur naturally in waterbodies but contain toxins harmful to humans and animals.
Contact with it can cause rashes; sore eyes, ears, and nose; or if swallowed, nausea or vomiting.
To keep up to date with current blue-green algae warnings, phone 1800 013 357 or visit the GMW website: www.g-mwater.com.au/bga
Customers are reminded that water supplied by GMW is not suitable for human consumption without first being properly treated.