Form 34a - Irrigation District - Subdivide or amalgamate delivery shares

This form covers applications for Water Corporation approval for dealings in delivery share under sections 223, 224, 226 and 227 of the Water Act 1989.

Subdivision / amalgamation of a delivery share(s) requires that it be cancelled and new share(s) be issued in its place.

Assistance with completing this form


  • Subdivision / amalgamation of a delivery share(s) requires that it be cancelled and new share(s) be issued in its place.
  • This application can be used to cancel and re-issue delivery share.
  • Land subdivision must have already occurred for this application to be approved.
  • The land volume/folios provided must be for the land on which water is to be used and the volume/folios must be as per your land title.
  • A copy of the land title(s), not more than three months old, must be provided with your application (for all land to be serviced). Titles and information about relevant fees can be obtained through the Land Registry website
  • It is recommended that this application is finalised before land ownership is transferred since delivery share is linked to land and stays with property irrespective of any water share ownership.
  • If you are seeking to reduce your delivery share, termination fees may apply. Please contact your Water Corporation.
  • If land is not re-issued with delivery share and ceases to be serviced for the delivery of water, termination fees may apply. Please contact your Water Corporation.
  • For more information please contact your Water Corporation.



  • Signatories for a company (eg. Director or Company Secretary) must sign in accordance with an ASIC company extract not more than 12 months. The ASIC company extract must be attached to the application.

Approval of the application

If the application is approved one letter will be sent to the applicant(s). A letter will also be sent to the lodging party if details are completed on the application. The letter will advise that the application has been approved and recorded in the water register. A Copy of Record will be attached and will state any conditions that apply. It is an offence to fail to comply with any delivery conditions.

Refusal of the application

If the Water Corporation refuses the application, the Water Corporation will send the applicant(s) a letter stating the reasons for the refusal. A letter will also be sent to the lodging party if applicable.

More information required

If the Water Corporation requires more information a letter will be sent to the applicant and to the lodging party if applicable. The letter will make clear the missing information and/or incorrect information that requires correction.


A reference in these notes to actions to be undertaken by the Water Corporation may mean the Water Corporation is acting as delegate of the Minister under section 306 of the Water Act 1989.


This publication may be of assistance to you but the State of Victoria and its employees do not guarantee that the publication is without flaw of any kind or is wholly appropriate for your particular purposes and therefore disclaims all liability for any error, loss or other consequence which may arise from you relying on any information in this publication.

Further information 

If you require further information please contact your Water Corporation:

Goulburn Murray Water

40 Casey Street
PO Box 165
(03) 5833 5500
F: (03) 5824 5501

Lower Murray Water

741–759 Fourteenth St
PO Box 1438
(03) 5051 3400
F: (03) 5051 3480

Southern Rural Water

88 Johnston Street
PO Box 153
(03) 5139 3100
F: (03) 5139 3150


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