Event Permit Application

Before You Apply

Goulburn-Murray Water (GMW) will advise you in writing of its decision to allow the event or reject the application.

Applications to stage the event should be lodged for approval 90 days prior to the event date.

Incomplete application forms will result in a delay in processing and possible rejection if adequate time is not provided. Additional fees may also apply. Please read the Events at GMW Waterways Fact Sheet, PDF for information on:

  • Criteria for permit approvals
  • Permit assessment process
  • Fees
  • Exclusive use
  • User safety.

If your application is conditionally approved you will need to provide the following supporting documents:

  • Certificate of Currency for $20 million Public Liability Insurance
  • Communications Plan
  • Risk Management Plan
  • Emergency Management Plan
  • Food/Liquor Permits (if applicable)
  • Relevant approvals from other agencies (if applicable).

GMW Event Management Plan Templates must be used for the plans listed above -  download our Event Management Plan Templates here, PDF.

You can contact GMW staff for an update on your application:

Note: GMW reserves the right to limit the number, type and size of events at its properties and waterways. A fee and bond may be imposed at GMW discretion. The application process is not considered to be a right to stage, or approval to run an event.

Application Form

Application for an Event Permit
Applicant Details
Do you have a current lease/licence with GMW? This is a required field.
Do you have a current lease/licence with GMW? This is a required field.
Is your organisation an Incorporated Body? This is a required field.
Is your organisation an Incorporated Body? This is a required field.
Proposed Event
Specify the start and end times for each day of your event.
Please download the Site Map for the relevant storage and fill it to include the following information:
  • details and location of the activities planned
  • temporary structures
  • car parking
  • amenities
  • areas which public access will be restricted from.
Event Details

GMW needs to understand the details of your proposed event. This includes the level of risk, nature of the activity and possible impact to the amenity of the area, waterways and public access. Some activities will also require referral, permits or consent from other authorities. By completing the following, the level or risk of your proposed event will be better understood and you will be guided as to other information needed. 

Type of Event This is a required field.
Type of Event This is a required field.
Will there be food/drink vendors at the event? This is a required field.
(If yes, a Streatrader permit will be required)
Will there be food/drink vendors at the event? This is a required field.
Will there be alcohol at the event? This is a required field.
(If yes, a liquor licence permit will be required)
Will there be alcohol at the event? This is a required field.
Will there be products/merchandise sold at the event? This is a required field.
Will there be products/merchandise sold at the event? This is a required field.
Will tent/structures be erected on the site? This is a required field.
(If yes, please indicate where on the Site Map.)
Will tent/structures be erected on the site? This is a required field.
Will an admission fee be charged? This is a required field.
Will an admission fee be charged? This is a required field.
Admission Prices
Event Profits
If there are any profits from the event, where will they be directed?
Event Profits
Payment Details

GMW Event Permit Fee Structure

  • The application processing fee of $345 (inc GST) plus event fee of $175 (inc GST) per event day.
  • A Commercial Event Fee or a discounted Community Event Fee will be charged upon assessment of your application and should be forwarded within 14 days of receiving approval from GMW to conduct the event
  • Your organisation will be responsible for any additional costs incurred with the requirement to advertise in the government gazette and/or in print media
  • An additional fee for late submissions (less than 90 days prior to the event) may apply.

Fees are non-refundable if your event is cancelled.

Payment Type This is a required field.
Payment Type This is a required field.
Credit Card Details

Payment Processing Note

Payment is not processed immediately when this form is submitted. Your payment details are securely collected, but we will review your application submission and may contact you with questions before payment is processed.

Please enter your card number as 1234-1234-1234-1234
The card security code (CVV) is a unique 3 digit number which can be found on the back of your card

If you would prefer to pay your application fees by cheque or other means, please phone us on 1800 013 357.

Acknowledge and Apply
Acknowledgement This is a required field.
Acknowledgement This is a required field.
Victorian COVID-19 Restrictions This is a required field.

Information about the Victorian COVID-19 restrictions can be found at https://www.dhhs.vic.gov.au/

Victorian COVID-19 Restrictions This is a required field.
Submit Form

GMW reserves the right to limit the number, type and size of events at its properties and waterways. A fee and bond may be imposed at GMW discretion. The application process is not considered to be a right to stage, or approval to run an event.

Protecting your privacy

Goulburn-Murray Water (GMW) protects your privacy by collecting and handling your personal information in accordance with the requirements of the Privacy & Data Protection Act 2014. Your personal information is collected on this form and will be used for the purpose of administering this application, updating our records and updating the Victorian Water Register (if applicable). Information collected is usually disclosed to staff involved in processing your application, contractors, connection staff, other relevant GMW staff and government departments. Failure to provide the information sought may result in processing delays or non acceptance of your application. It may also limit our ability to be able to provide various programs or services. You may gain access to and correct your personal information. For further information please refer to our Privacy Policy at www.g-mwater.com.au or call 1800 013 357 to obtain a copy of this policy.