Preparing for floods

Who is at risk from flooding?

People living near rivers, creeks and storages need to monitor the situation and prepare themselves and their properties, according to their flood plan.

SES advises that the potential local impact of this flooding in your area may include: 

  • River levels may reach the top of the bank or flow into low-lying areas
  • Local roads may be closed and low bridges may be underwater
  • Caravan parks and camping areas may be flooded.

What should I do to prepare?

Stay informed - monitor the situation and prepare yourself and your properties, according to your flood plan.

For the latest warnings or emergency information go to the VicEmergency website at or follow @vicemergency on Facebook or Twitter

For flood or storm emergency assistance from the SES call 132 500 

Other important contacts and information

You can keep up-to-date with storage levels at our storage levels page, which shows the current storage levels and past storage levels.

For river height data and rainfall bulletins, visit the Bureau of Meteorology website

Farmers should prepare to move machinery and livestock to higher ground.

Ensure your family members and neighbours are aware of the situation.

Floodwater is dangerous - never drive, walk or ride through floodwater.

Floodwater is toxic - never play or swim in floodwater.

Where can I get more information or help on how to prepare?

If you need assistance preparing, visit the SES website

The Victoria State Emergency Service (SES) has developed localised flood guides and maps, which provide advice and information on how you can prepare.

What is GMW’s role in a flood?

Goulburn-Murray Water helps emergency services and the Bureau of Meteorology to prepare flood warnings by providing information about the operation of its storages.

During a flood event in Victoria, SES is the lead agency for the emergency.

The Bureau of Meteorology’s flood warnings for rivers and streams are distributed by the SES via the VicEmergency website at

The role of Goulburn-Murray Water is to support and work with the SES to minimise the impact on customers and the community affected by flooding

Is the water quality affected during a flood?

Be on the lookout for changes in water quality, as rainfall or floods may cause changes.

Monitor your water supply source and make alternative arrangements if water quality deteriorates.

Some customers may also be pumping excess water into the channel network to help drain their properties and as a result, water quality may be affected.

Water users are reminded that water supplied by GMW is not fit for any use that may involve human consumption, either directly or indirectly.

What if I want to pump excess flood water?

If you would like to pump any excess flood water on your property into GMW irrigation or drainage channels, please remember you must seek permission from your local GMW Customer Service Centre before pumping.

This is to ensure that additional water pumped into these systems does not exceed the channel capacity and cause additional flooding.

To find the location and contact details of your nearest Customer Service Centre, visit

What about my farm dam?

Increased rainfall is experienced during most flooding event so please remember to check all farm dams regularly.

Not only can a collapsed farm dam cause significant damage to the environment and neighbouring downstream properties, but the owner may be liable for all associated costs.

You should ensure:

  • The top of the embankment is level without potholes or erosion
  • Compensation pipes are in good working order and are able to pass flows downstream of the storage
  • Spillways are unobstructed
  • A regular inspection of the dam wall for any signs of leaking, slippage or erosion
  • Stock do not have access to the dam wall, as they can cause damaging erosion
  • Dam Safety Emergency Plans are reviewed on a regular basis

If you have any concerns, please contact your local Customer Service Centre or phone GMW’s 24-hour Emergency Line on 1800 064 184.

General reminders

Prior to opening any drainage inlet gate into an irrigation channel, the water level in the channel must be low enough to allow the floodwater to flow into the channel and the water must be able to be passed safely to a drainage channel or natural drainage line without adding to existing flooded areas.  

GMW drainage systems are designed to remove a summer rain event of around 25mm of rain that occurs within a 24 hour period.

When particularly heavy rainfall exceeds the designed capacity, some backing-up and flow outside of drains will naturally occur.

If a backed-up drain is affecting your property, please contact GMW’s 24-hour Emergency Line on 1800 064 184.

During a flood event, the drainage system capacity may be exceeded due to the large volume of rainfall experienced.

To assist in maximising the flow carrying capacity of the drain, please report any build-up of rubbish on road culverts or fence crossings which are blocking the drainage of flood water to your local GMW Customer Service Centre.